- Name: Matan suliman
- python version: 3.8.0
- book: 'Artificial Intelligence, a modern approach, 4'th edition'
8 puzzle is a sliding tiles problem the goal is to line the numbers in ascending order from left to right up to bottom
PriorityQueue() (reference 1):
- Attributes:
- key: the sorting function
- data: the queue data
- index: tie breaker of similar values
- Methods:
- push(item): push item to queue
- pop(): pop from queue
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
- state: the state of the node in 8 puzzle
- parent: the parent node
- action: the action from parent to me
- path_cost: the total path cost from the initial state to here
- depth: the number of actions from the initial state to here
- Methods:
- pathtoRoot(): returns the path of tile actions from the root to the node
- isCycle(num): return true if the node creates a cycle (of max length -num) on the path to the root, else returns false
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
- initial_state: the initial state of the 8 puzzle
- goal_states: the goal states of the 8 puzzle
- action_cost: the cost of each action
- actions: the actions available
- transition_model: a function that takes a state and an action and returns the resulting state
- Methods:
- isGoal(state): return true if a state is the goal state
- Expand(node): a node and yields child nodes based on the problem
- Attributes:
Helper functions to 8puzzle:
- swap(state, i, j): swap the values in state at indexes i and j
- up(state, i): swap the values in state at index i and 'above' i if exists
- down(state, i): swap the values in state at index i and 'below' i if exists
- left(state, i): swap the values in state at index i and 'left to' i if exists
- right(state, i): swap the values in state at index i and 'right to' i if exists
- transition_model(state, action): if the action is valid returns the resulting state
- BFS: Breadth_First_Search(problem)
- IDDFS: Iterative_Deepening_Search(problem)
- GBFS: Greedy_Best_First_Search(problem)
- A*: A_star(problem)
Helper algorithms:
- Depth_Limited_Search(problem, l) healping iddfs
- Best_First_Search(problem, f) healping GBFS and A*
a state is a 9D vector representing the tile's positions the actions are up, down, left and right on the empty tile not all actions on the empty tile resulting in a valid state:
- if at first row than can't prefrom up
- if at last row than can't prefrom up
- if at first col than can't prefrom left
- if at last col than can't prefrom right
LinearConflicts(node) (reference 2):
- consistent proof: pdf is attached
- Note: this function input is a node but it works on the state. this is only for comfort of code.
- at all inputs, the 'BFS', 'IDDFS' and 'A*' gives the optimal solutions (by depth)
- 'GBFS' does not always give the optimal solution. It struggels on long solutions, because it has more room for failure.
attached as a png files.