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Massbitroute Gateway

Component used for routing traffic to backend providers

Install with docker

    privileged: true
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: massbit/massbitroute_gateway:_BRANCH_
      context: /massbit/massbitroute/app/src
      dockerfile: install/mbr/build/gateway/Dockerfile
        #MYAPP_IMAGE: massbit/massbitroute_basenode:_BRANCH_                
        BRANCH: _BRANCH_
    container_name: mbr_gateway
      - MBR_ENV=_BRANCH_                                               # Git Tag version deployment of Api repo
      - MKAGENT_BRANCH=_BRANCH_                                        # Git Tag version deployment of Monitor client		
      - INSTALL_CMD=
      - PORTAL_URL=    # portal url	  
      - ""
## Run with Docker


docker run -ti --rm -e "MBR_ENV=shamu" -e "INSTALL_CMD=" massbit/massbitroute_gateway_dev:0.0.1-shamu-dev -n

## System requirement

Currently, we only support Ubuntu 20.04 x64 with a minimum requirement of 4 vCPU and 4G RAM, 40GB free space

All commands require `root` permission. 

### Public IP Address

You must have your own public IP (ipv4) address when registering with the Massbit system. Massbit will forward traffic through this IP.

Check your public IP address with the command:


### Firewall
Your gateway must open port 443 for HTTPS traffic.
You can check if your firewall is open 443 by the following step
For example, your IP is x.x.x.x
* From a gateway's terminal, open port 443 by netcat

apt install -y netcat nc -l 443

if output is

nc: Address already in use

then you can check which process has opened it

netstat -tunalp |grep -i listen |grep :443

* Connect port 443 from public zone from another terminal

nc -vz x.x.x.x 443

If output is

Connection to 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!

then your firewall is opened successfully

Or if the output is

nc: connect to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

then you should check your firewall

## Install

### Clone source of this repo

mkdir -p /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway git clone /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway ./scripts/run _install

### Check gateway

* Verify node

cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway ./mbr gw nodeverify

if output is


your gateway is successfully verified

* Check supervisor processes

supervisorctl status

the output should be

mbr_gateway RUNNING pid 3469, uptime 62 days, 18:15:07 mbr_gateway_monitor RUNNING pid 3029099, uptime 30 days, 18:34:09

* Check gateway processes

cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway ./cmd_server status

the output should be

beanstalkd RUNNING pid 3562, uptime 62 days, 18:14:13 monitor_client RUNNING pid 327249, uptime 16 days, 17:12:10 nginx RUNNING pid 1175590, uptime 28 days, 17:57:38 redis RUNNING pid 3561, uptime 62 days, 18:14:13

* Check server configuration

cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway ./cmd_server nginx -t

the output should be

nginx: the configuration file /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway/tmp/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway/tmp/nginx.conf test is successful

* Check the debug logs

cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway cat logs/debug.log

* If you still have problem, just send log for us and ask for help

cd /massbit/massbitroute/app/src/sites/services/gateway ./scripts/run _send_log