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A program that detects phishing websites with machine learning by Python.
- Getting Started
- Overview
- [Prerequisites] (#prerequisites)
- [Prerequisites] (#prerequisites)
- [Target Audience] (#target-audience)
- [Focus Areas] (#focus-areas)
- [Scenarios] (#scenarios)
- [Languages] (#languages)
- [Scenarios] (#scenarios)
- [Project Content] (#project-content)
- [References] (#references)
- [Build Status] (#build-status)
- [Authors] (#authors)
The program focuses on Detecting Phishing Websites using Machine Learning to accurately detect the Phishing Websites. Phishing Websites targets the human vulnerabilities rather than the software vulnerabilities. It is the process of attracting online users in order to acquire the user’s sensitive information such as password and usernames. The program was developed using the Python programming language, the students programmed a machine learning algorithm in order to detect the phishing websites. The users of this program can use it to become aware on these phishing websites and protect their sensitive information by detecting phishing websites.
Keywords: Phishing, Phishing Websites, Detection, Machine Learning.
This repository contains a program that has three features, listed as follows:
- Detects phishing websites, most especially, those of e-commerce websites,
- Displays a list of blacklisted phishing websites, and
- Brief description about the program and the people behind it.
The students created a program that detects phishing websites using machine learning algorithm that checks whether the website is phishing or a safe website. The students used their knowledge that they obtained in the subject CPE106L and created a project that detects phishing websites with the use of machine learning algorithm, phishing websites are then stored in a file so that the program can comprehend and compare the differences between a phishing website and a non-phishing website.
- Any IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment Software), in this case, the developers used Visual Studio (VS) Code.
To download, head over to https://code.visualstudio.com/ and choose the software appropriate for your platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux). - Python
If you don't have Python already installed, run the following commands to install Python3 and pip3, the package manager for Python, into your Linux installation.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip3
And to verify, run:
python3 --version
======= Packages:
- sklearn
- numpy
- pandas
- Leaders:
- Garcia, Joshua Ron G. (https://github.com/peculiarNoobie)
- Julkipli, Omar Mukhtar Y. (https://github.com/OmarJulkipli)
- Members:
- Abarquez, Arnett Johneill M. (https://github.com/Arnett0822)
- Alde, Regina Bianca A. (https://github.com/alderegina)
- Apelo, Mary Lee D. (https://github.com/mary18lee)
- Gonzales, Joshua C. (https://github.com/Joshinobi)
- Ronquillo, Dominic Narciso T. (https://github.com/DominicRonquillo)