Example website for mobile app + with demo desktop version. Created with MUI and React Hook Forms. This is only a showcase website, there is not an actual CHASE. app.
This is an app which should help programmers manage time more properly. Setting up task for couple days in the week or only one day, all of time the available time during the week will be deducted from tasks. With notifications suggesting to stand up or drink water during work, as well as famous 20/20/20 rule to look away. Our health and our time is important, so I've come up with an idea to help us with those common struggles.
Figma project file: https://www.figma.com/file/3nCyrsyhvxxMAXhldk3FBA/CHASE.
Illustrations: https://undraw.co/illustrations
Wave generator: https://app.haikei.app/
Icons: https://mui.com/material-ui/material-icons/
- Clone repository to your local machine.
- Install npm packages, by using 'npm i' in project folder.
- Run app by typing 'npm start'.