- Multiple Boundary Conditions - Dirichlet Boundary Condition or Perfectly Absorbing Boundary Condition.
- Multiple Sources - Gaussian Pulse, Sine Wave, Square Wave, Modulated Sine Wave.
- Multiple Source Excitation Method - Hard Source, Soft Source, and Total Field/Scatter Field
- Basic FDTD Algorithm - Conventional algorithm (leap-frog method)
- FDTD-Schwarz Method - Combined algorithm of FDTD-Schwarz in serial and parallel mode (using OpenMP).
- Libraries used are header-only type so no need to compile them. Just include the directories of the necessary libraries in the makefile before compiling.
- Main code uses C++ for generating simulation data but data visualization uses Python 3 (matplotlib/plotly)
- Sinusoidal source propagate backwards (towards the left) when using TF/SF.
- Sinusoidal source propagate backwards when using TF/SF.
- Algorithm limited up to 8 subdomains per simulation only because it causes CPU bottleneck if increased to more than 8 subdomains.
- Reflections generated in the internal boundary of each subdomain. This causes errors in the simulation where some energy is generated out of nowhere.
C++ Libraries:
xtensor - Main scientific computation library in C++ (very similar to Numpy).
xtl - Dependencies of all xtensor libraries.
xtensor-io - For I/O operations like saving simulation data into HDF5 files.
HgihFive - C++ library for manipulating HDF5 files (header-only library)
- libhdf5 - can be installed using sudo apt install libhdf5-dev
xtensor-fftw - Used in a FFT operation in the simulation.
- FFTW 3 Library - can be installed using sudo apt install libfftw3-dev
xtensor-blas - Used in computing L2 norm (using linalg module)
Python Libraries:
- numpy - Main numerical library for linear algebra and scientific computing in Python.
- matplotlib - Basic plotting library based on MATLAB.
- ffmpeg - Required library when using matplotlib for creating animation (video) of simulation
- plotly - Interactive graphics library for Python.