Dynamic MPI mandelbrot algorithm
usage: ./mandelbrot [options]
-h Shows this help.
-c {width} Width of resulting image. Has to be positive integer.
(default: 1024)
-r {height} Height of resulting image. Has to be positive integer.
(default: 1024)
-n {iterations} Maximum number of iterations for each pixel. Has to be
positive integer (default: 2000)
-o {filename} Filename of resulting bitmap. (default: ./mandelbrot.bmp)
-b {blocksize} Number of rows to be assigned to a slave at once.
Has to be smaller than (height/slave-count).
Has to be a divisor of height. (default: 1)
-x {offset} X-offset from [0,0]. (default: 0)
-y {offset} Y-offset from [0,0]. (default: 0)
-a {length} Absolute value range of x/y-axis, e.g. if length was 2,
displayed x/y-values would range from -1 to 1.
If the x/y-offsets are set, axis shifts by those offsets.
Negative value inverts axis.
Has to be non-zero double value. (default: 2)
-p {hexnum} Minimum color of the resulting image. (default: 0x000000)
-q {hexnum} Maximum color of the resulting image. (default: 0xffffff)
-m {hexnum} Hex mask to manipulate color ranges. (default: 0xffffff)
-s Print progress of the computation.
Zoomed out
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 20000 -a 3.5
Inverted axis and blocksize 8
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 5000 -b 8 -a -2
Shift and zoom
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 10000 -x -1 -y -1 -a 1
Inverted colors and custom output file
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 10000 -p 0xffffff -q 0x000000 -o ./output.bmp
Inverted color with color mask
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 10000 -p 0xffffff -q 0x000000 -m 0x00bb00
Shifted, zoomed in, increased iteration count and custom min-color value
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 30000 -x -1 -y -1 -a 1 -p 0x0099ff
The "head" of the mandelbrot "thing": Custom min-color value and filtered blue part
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 5000 -a 0.5 -x -1 -p 0xbb9955 -m 0xffff00
Show progress bar on master
mpirun -np 4 ./mandelbrot -n 100000 -s