This is an early version of an experimental plugin with many bugs.
Do not actually use it.
MacOS only
Will patch webpack-log
to allow empty logGrup names
The python script needs:
pip install pyaudio termcolor pydub simpleaudio elevenlabs
Rebuild with:
swiftc ErrorPopup.swift -o ErrorPopup
Test with:
./ErrorPopup 'Compilation failed' \
'45 | }\\n46 | }\\n47 | props: {\\n | ^\\n48 | connectivity: Boolean,\\n49 | title: String,' \
'BasicHeader.vue needs a comma on line 47 near props' \
'BasicHeader.vue' \
'/Users/whomstve/projects/nzt48/src/components/ui/header' \
const WebpackErrorFormatterPlugin = require('error-helper-webpack-plugin/WebpackErrorFormatterPlugin.js')
/** @import {WebpackErrorFormatterPluginConf} from 'error-helper-webpack-plugin' */
webpack.chainWebpack((config) => {
/** @type {WebpackErrorFormatterPluginConf} */
const errorHelperConfig = {
// Ask AI to figure out what the issue is:
analyzer: {
active: true,
engine: 'OpenAI'
// apiKey: '...', // TODO: configurable api key or env var name
// (!) currently needs OPENAI_API_KEY env variable available to python
// Pipe it to TTS:
tts: {
active: true,
engine: 'ElevenLabs', // 'ElevenLabs' needs an API key | 'local' uses "say 'What to say.'" builtin TTS engine on MacOS
voiceId: '5izH2Qlr4ky45aDBTZE1', // Copy from Elevenlabs Voice details page
apiKey: 'sk_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' // from https://elevenlabs.io/app/settings/api-keys
/* Setting these environment variables
in the default Python env will also work
log: { level: 'trace' },
bail: true, // Stop compilation with process.exit
debug: true, // Print more stuff
popup: 5 // seconds, remove to disable the popup
config.plugin('WebpackErrorFormatterPlugin').use(WebpackErrorFormatterPlugin, [errorHelperConfig])
plugins: [
// ... Other plugins,
new WebpackErrorFormatterPlugin(errorHelperConfig)