Note: Web Services on the free plan are automatically spun down after 15 minutes of inactivity. When a new request for a free service comes in, Render spins it up again so it can process the request. This can cause a response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity.
- node 16.15.0
- nestjs
- typescript
- typeorm
- postgresql -
- docker
- render - Cloud Application Hosting
git clone (this repo)
cd shoes-for-everyone-back
cd api
npm install
# copy example _.env to .env
cp _.env .env
# run initialization script
npm run init
# development
npm run start
# watch mode
npm run start:dev
# unit tests
npm run test
# e2e tests
npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
npm run test:cov
Useful commands
# CRUD generator:
npx @nestjs/cli g resource [path/name]
# Example: npx @nestjs/cli g resource apps/auth
# Generates a new migration file with sql needs to be executed to update schema
npm run migration:generate src/migrations/example/create-example-table
# create a new empty migration file
npm run migration:create ./src/migrations/example/create-example-table
# Run all migrations
npm run migration:run
# Run any SQL query you want directly in the database
npm run query "SELECT version();"
# Show all migrations and whether they have been run or not
npm run migration:show
# Revert the last migration. Run it several times to revert multiple migrations
npm run migration:revert
- Install nestjs cli locally and create a new project
npx @nestjs/cli new api
- Create health check controller
npx @nestjs/cli generate controller health-check
- Install database dependencies
npm install --save @nestjs/typeorm typeorm pg
- Install library to manage environment variables
npm install --save dotenv
- Unique string ID generator
npm install --save nanoid@3