You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 12
2. Configuration
⚠ All the following settings are in lua (with e.g.
) If you use a vimscript config withinit.vim
, you can insert the lua lines surrounded bylua << EOF
Here is the default configuration that you can copy-paste and modify in your init.lua :
lilypond = {
mappings = {
player = "<F3>",
compile = "<F5>",
open_pdf = "<F6>",
switch_buffers = "<A-Space>",
insert_version = "<F4>",
hyphenation = "<F12>",
hyphenation_change_lang = "<F11>",
insert_hyphen = "<leader>ih",
add_hyphen = "<leader>ah",
del_next_hyphen = "<leader>dh",
del_prev_hyphen = "<leader>dH",
options = {
pitches_language = "default",
hyphenation_language = "en_DEFAULT",
output = "pdf",
backend = nil,
main_file = "main.ly",
main_folder = "%:p:h",
include_dir = nil,
diagnostics = false,
pdf_viewer = nil,
latex = {
mappings = {
compile = "<F5>",
open_pdf = "<F6>",
lilypond_syntax = "<F3>"
options = {
lilypond_book_flags = nil,
clean_logs = false,
main_file = "main.tex",
main_folder = "%:p:h",
include_dir = nil,
lilypond_syntax_au = "BufEnter",
pdf_viewer = nil,
texinfo = {
mappings = {
compile = "<F5>",
open_pdf = "<F6>",
lilypond_syntax = "<F3>"
options = {
lilypond_book_flags = "--pdf",
clean_logs = false,
main_file = "main.texi",
main_folder = "%:p:h",
--include_dir = nil,
lilypond_syntax_au = "BufEnter",
pdf_viewer = nil,
player = {
mappings = {
quit = "q",
play_pause = "p",
loop = "<A-l>",
backward = "h",
small_backward = "<S-h>",
forward = "l",
small_forward = "<S-l>",
decrease_speed = "j",
increase_speed = "k",
halve_speed = "<S-j>",
double_speed = "<S-k>"
options = {
row = 1,
col = "99%",
width = "37",
height = "1",
border_style = "single",
winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal",
midi_synth = "fluidsynth",
fluidsynth_flags = nil,
timidity_flags = nil,
audio_format = "mp3",
mpv_flags = {
It is possible to modify only part of the parameters, as follows :
latex = {
mappings = {
compile = "<leader>c"
options = {
clean_logs = true
This plugin supports per-folder configuration (see the Multiple files projects section in the wiki).
You can append directory to the search path for input files with relative paths in include_dir
option. This can be a string or a table in case of multiple include directories :
lilypond = {
options = {
include_dir = {
Add this lines to your init.lua
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
command = "syntax sync fromstart",
pattern = { '*.ly', '*.ily', '*.tex' }
Here are the defaults used for syntax highlighting :
lilyString = { link = "String" },
lilyDynamic = { bold = true },
lilyComment = { link = "Comment" },
lilyNumber = { link = "Number" },
lilyVar = { link = "Tag" },
lilyBoolean = { link = "Boolean" },
lilySpecial = { bold = true },
lilyArgument = { link = "Type" },
lilyScheme = { link = "Special" },
lilyLyrics = { link = "Special" },
lilyMarkup = { bold = true },
lilyFunction = { link = "Statement" },
lilyArticulation = { link = "PreProc" },
lilyContext = { link = "Type" },
lilyGrob = { link = "Include" },
lilyTranslator = { link = "Type" },
lilyPitch = { link = "Function" },
lilyChord = {
ctermfg = "lightMagenta",
fg = "lightMagenta",
bold = true
You can modify this defaults in require('nvls').setup()
function, e.g :
lilypond = {
highlights {
lilyVar = { ctermfg = "blue" }
If you use others languages for pitch names, you can configure nvim-lilypond-suite to highlight the right words with pitches_language
option in require('nvls').setup()
For now, only english, français, deutsch, nohl (no highlight) and default highlights are availables.
TODO : create pitches pattern for other languages
Since 7df532e commit, I changed my method for syntax highlighting and avoided word lists as much as possible, for more lightness. You can also define pitches_language = "nohl"
in require('nvls').setup()
to avoid pitches highlighting.
Error messages are sended to the QuickFix window (see :h quickfix). You can open it manually with :copen
, or using an autocommand. The following autocmd will open quickfix when there are recognized errors. If the window is already open and there are no recognized errors, close the window :
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( 'QuickFixCmdPost', {
command = "cwindow",
pattern = "*"
See also : Display error messages in a floating window
You can use the vim.diagnostic.set API by adding diagnostics=true
(experimental). With this option, diagnostics are enabled for the current buffer, and quickfix remains for errors in other files. (lilypond only for now)
see issue #29
(TODO: write this section !)
Install coc.nvim and coc-dictionary
& coc-tabnine
: works out of the box !
If you want to use another completion plugin, nvim-lilypond-suite uses the following dictionary files :
It requires the following plugins :
nvim-cmp cmp-buffer cmp-path cmp-dictionary cmp-tabnine
local cmp = require('cmp')
formatting = {
format = function(entry, item)
item.kind = ({
Text = "",
item.menu = ({
cmp_tabnine = ' ',
path = ' ',
dictionary = ' ',
buffer = ' ',
return item
window = {
completion = {
completion = cmp.config.window.bordered(),
--documentation = false
documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered()
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = false },
['<tab>'] = cmp.mapping(
cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { 'i', 's' }
['<S-Tab>'] = cmp.mapping(
cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { 'i', 's' }
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = 'cmp_tabnine' },
{ name = 'path', keyword_length = 1 },
{ name = 'dictionary' },
{ name = 'buffer' },
To use the "point and click", Nvim must be launched with remote function.
Since a few months, there's a built-in option :
Open your file with a server listening :
nvim --listen ~/.cache/nvim/server.pipe file.ly
Configure your point & click with something like the following (read the next sections of the wiki to adjust it) :
nvim --server ~/.cache/nvim/server.pipe --remote-send "<cmd>call cursor($line,$col)<cr>"
That's basically the principle. But Nvim does not have the --servername
functionality, so there can only be one file per Nvim instance, and you must manually specify a server for all files, which greatly limits the use of this function for point and click.
I really recommend using the neovim-remote package, which for me solves all remote issues. You can open your .ly
files as usual, and neovim-remote works perfectly, even with multiple .ly
files open in the same session.
The rest of this section will be exclusively a config with neovim-remote, but you can adapt the commands to use the built-in function if you prefer.
- Install neovim-remote
is (for me) quite bloated and complicated to use for a simple resource opener.
The following configuration will bypass this software. It's much simpler and more effective for me, but if you opt for a more classic configuration, go directly to the next section.
- Option 1 : Add this lines to
(e.g. line 36) :
if [[ "$@" == textedit://*ly:* ]]; then
tmp=${@#*://} tmp="${tmp%%:*}" attr=${@#*ly:}
file="${tmp//%20/\\ }"
nvr -s +:"dr $file | call cursor($line, $col)"
And that is all !
- Option 2 : if you don't want to modify
Create a file called xdg-open
in $HOME/.local/bin/
containing this code :
if [[ "$@" == textedit://*ly:* ]]; then
tmp=${@#*://} tmp="${tmp%%:*}" attr=${@#*ly:}
file="${tmp//%20/\\ }"
nvr -s +:"dr $file | call cursor($line, $col)"
/usr/bin/xdg-open "$@"
Make this file executable :
chmod +x $HOME/.local/bin/xdg-open
Add the folder to your path (in .bashrc
) :
export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
⚠ This config don't work with files names (and dir names) containing spaces.
Install neovim-remote
Add this line to
) :
export LYEDITOR="nvr -s +:'dr %(file)s | call cursor(%(line)s,%(char)s+1)'"
Follow the instructions on the LilyPond website to configure the system and create
Reboot or reload session
This plugin uses xdg-open
command by default to view pdf (or open
for mac os). You can specify a different pdf app with the pdf_viewer option :
lilypond = {
options = {
pdf_viewer = "zathura",
latex = {
options = {
pdf_viewer = "zathura",
Recommended pdf viewer : zathura with zathura-pdf-mupdf plugin
Alternate custom text editor
command, for Okular :
nvr +:'dr %f | call cursor(%l,%c+1)'