A rough and ready import script for converting a Mephisto site to Radiant.
Instructions for use:
1) Setup a clean install of Radiant and freeze to the Edge version.
2) Install the comments extension
3) Update your database.yml to include an entry for ‘mephisto:’ with details of your Mephisto database.
4) cp environment/development.rb environment/mephisto.rb
5) rake radiant:extensions:import_mephisto:run
Radiant 0.6.7 or greater
Comments extension (github.com/artofmission/radiant-comments)
Copies all of your published Mephisto articles including comments into Radiant
Quite a few. It’s rough and ready! Feel free to extend and fork to your hearts content.
Sections are converted to tags
Assets are not copied across
Doesn’t copy over any layout / templates or any other view information
Any other advanced features are also not supported.
Have a nice configuration interface/page in Radiant where you setup what you do and don’t want copied across including any mappings.
It would also be nice to be able to specify the original Mephisto DB credentials in the admin UI also. (rather than having to update a config file)
These where my goals when creating the extension:
Copy across existing content - articles and contents
Copy across users
Keep url’s the same or have a way of mapping them
Keep the existing design with some tweaks
Feel free to build upon and submit patches / fork on Github.