This repository contains all the code for Diploma thesis in which we use object detection models trained on Open Images Dataset to tackle the problem of extracting useful information from the image content present on the web.
In order to be able to run object detectors we need to download and generate resources needed by the inference pipelines. Moreover, to maintain a reproducible environment, we recommend using virtualenv.
From the root folder:
pip install venv
<-- if you don't have venv installed yetpython -m virtualenv venv
<-- creates a virtual environment in the venv directorysource venv/bin/activate
<-- activates the virtual environmentpip install -r requirements_local.txt
<-- installs packages into the virtual environment./
<-- IMPORTANT: We write all Python code assumingPYTHONPATH
is pointing to the root directory
Follow the instructions here.
Follow the instructions here.
Check out notebooks folder for experiments.
Our repository is structured into multiple folders:
- code for object detection inference pipelines -
- data structures used by object detection algorithms -
- utility functions used by object detection algorithms -
- preprocessing used in the models -
- YOLOv3 inference pipeline:/cpu_head/
- with inference head in Numpy (on CPU)/gpu_head_v1
- with inference head in TF, but non-max suppression in Numpy/gpu_head_v2
- with inference head and non-max suppression in TF/conversion
- conversion from the Darknet framework to Keras/resources
- resources needed by the model (e.g. weights, class labels)
- Faster R-CNN inference pipeline -
- code for computing evaluation metrics for object detection models -
- our custom implementation for computing (m)AP -
- Jupyter notebooks which- demonstrate how to use the object detectors
- contain scripts used for computing metrics
- common utility functions -
- common stuff i.e. custom argparse types -
- scraper related stuff used for collecting dataset of annotable URLs
After initial setup of models, you can use object detectors in the way described below.
from models.yolov3.object_detector import ObjectDetector as YOLOv3ObjectDetector
yolov3_detector = YOLOv3ObjectDetector(
# Be verbose about times for inference
# Enable logging of the device placement
# Control probability threshold for detecting objects
# Control threshold for non-max suppression
target_path = ... # specify target file path to the image
bounding_boxes = yolov3_detector.infer_bounding_boxes_on_target_path(target_path)
# Alternatively you can infer bounding boxes by loaded numpy image (watch out for row-major and col-major ordering issues!)
np_image = ... # load RGB image into numpy image in row-major ordering
bounding_boxes = yolov3_detector.infer_bounding_boxes_on_loaded_image(np_image)
from models.faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_oid_v4.object_detector import ObjectDetector as FasterRCNNObjectDetector
faster_rcnn_detector = FasterRCNNObjectDetector(
# Enable use of the GPU
# Enable logging of the device placement
target_path = ... # specify target file path to the image
bounding_boxes = faster_rcnn_detector.infer_bounding_boxes_on_target_path(target_path)
# Alternatively, you can infer bounding boxes by loaded numpy image (watch out for row-major and col-major ordering issues!)
np_image = ... # load RGB image into numpy image in row-major ordering
bounding_boxes = faster_rcnn_detector.infer_bounding_boxes_on_loaded_image(np_image)
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Scrapy
- Jupyter
- Pillow