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RUFUS k-mer based genomic variant detection

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RUFUS Singularity Container

K-mer based variant detection. v1.0.0-gamma.

Developed by Stephanie Georges, MS
Based on the thesis project of Andrew Farrell, PhD
Marth Lab, University of Utah
Publication in preparation

For questions and feature requests, please contact

RUFUS Overview

RUFUS is a reference-free, K-mer based variant detection algorithm, for short-read DNA sequence data. RUFUS is intended to run on a high performance computing (HPC) cluster with singularity installed. At a high level, you'll need to download the pre-built singularity container (detailed below) and set up a batch script corresponding to your resource manager. If your HPC system uses SLURM, you can utilize the provided helper functions to create your SBATCH scripts (detailed below).

RUFUS currently supports a single subject sample, multiple control samples, and only accepts GRCh38 as a reference genome. The samples must be in BAM format (though may be unaligned). The reference genome must be in FASTA format, and must be indexed by BWA. If the BWA indexes are not detected in the same directory as the reference genome, RUFUS will create them.

RUFUS has two stages: a variant calling stage, and a post-processing stage. Separation of the stages is necessary because the calling stage may be run in a windowed fashion, requiring multiple parallel RUFUS jobs over all of the windows. The combination stage must wait to proceed until all calling jobs are complete. Algorithmic runtime increases roughly linearly with sample coverage. Generally with whole-genome mode, a 100x sample run will take 1 day. Windowed mode completes significantly faster.

Running RUFUS

Obtaining the RUFUS Singularity Image

The pre-built RUFUS singularity container may be obtained from Zenodo. To download:

curl "" -o rufus.sif

Input Data

RUFUS requires the following data to run:

  1. A subject sample in BAM format (this may be unaligned)
  2. One or more control samples in BAM format (these may be unaligned)
  3. A reference fasta file (this must be indexed by BWA) - for use in reporting the called variants. It's recommended to provide the BWA indexes in the same data directory if you have them to save time creating them during the RUFUS run.

    To create the BWA indexes, run the following commands:
    bwa index -a bwtsw {REFERENCE.fa}
    samtools faidx {REFERENCE.fa}

All of the above required files, as well as any optional ones, must be located in a single directory, which will be mounted to the singularity container.

Output Data

RUFUS will, by default, output the following files in the same bound directory containing the input data:

  1. A VCF file containing the called variants
  2. A supplemental directory with:
    • A pre-filtered VCF file
    • A BAM file containing the raw reads containing the mutant kmers
    • A BAM file containing the assembled contigs from the raw reads containing the mutant kmers
    • A hash table containing the unique subject kmers and their counts

The Two Stages of RUFUS

RUFUS has two execution stages:

  1. The calling stage, invoked by the following
singularity exec --bind {PATH_TO_LOCAL_DATA_DIR}:/mnt {PATH_TO_RUFUS_CONTAINER}/rufus.sif bash /opt/RUFUS/ [-s|--subject <arg>] [-r|--ref <arg>] [-t|--threads <arg>] [-k|--kmersize <arg>] [-m|--min <arg>] [-h|--help] [-c|<controls-1>] ... [-c|<controls-n>] ...OPTIONS

With the following usage:

Required Arguments:
    -s,--subject: single bam file (may be unaligned) containing the subject of interest
    -c,--controls: bam file (may be unaligned) for the sequence data of the control sample (can be used multiple times, e.g. -c control1 -c control2)
    -r,--ref: file path to the desired reference file
    -t,--threads: number of threads to use (min 3)

Optional Arguments:
    -k,--kmersize: length of k-mer to use (defaults to 25)
    -m,--min: overwrites the minimum k-mer depth count to call variant (defaults to 5)
    -e,--exclude: Jhash file of kmers to exclude from mutation list (can be used multiple times, e.g. -e Jhash1 -e Jhash2)
    -f,--refhash: Jhash file containing reference hashList
    -h,--help: Print help
  1. The post-processing stage, invoked by the following
singularity exec --bind {PATH_TO_LOCAL_DATA_DIR}:/mnt {PATH_TO_RUFUS_CONTAINER}/rufus.sif bash /opt/RUFUS/post_process/ [-w window_size] [-r reference] [-subject] [-c control1,control2,control3...] [-d source_dir]

With the following usage:

Required Arguments:
    -w window_size   The size of the window used in the RUFUS run
    -r reference The reference used in the RUFUS run
    -c controls  The control bam files used in the RUFUS run
    -s subject_file  The name of the subject file: must be the same as that supplied to the RUFUS run
    -d source_dir    The source directory where the vcf(s) made by the calling stage are located
Optional Arguments:    
	-h help  Print help message

Using the SLURM Helper Script & Executing the SLURM Batch Scripts

The SLURM helper script automatically creates the two SLURM batch scripts necessary to run RUFUS on a SLURM-managed HPC cluster, as well as a bash script to execute them. To use:

  1. Execute the helper script (see full usage options below):
singularity exec {PATH_TO_RUFUS_CONTAINER}/rufus.sif bash /opt/RUFUS/singularity/ [-s subject] [-c control1,control2,control3...] [-b genome_build] [-a slurm_account] [-p slurm_partition] ...OPTIONS
  1. Then execute the generated bash script:

The full usage options for the helper script are as follows:

Required Arguments:
    -d data_directory The directory containing the subject, control, and reference files to be used in the run
    -s subject    The subject sample of interest; must be located in data_directory
    -c control(s) A single control or comma-delimited array of multiple controls; must be located in data_directory
    -b genome_build  The desired genome build; currently only supports GRCh38
    -r reference  The reference file matching the genome build; must be located in data_directory
    -a slurm_account  The account for the slurm job
    -p slurm_partition    The partition for the slurm job
    -l slurm_job_array_limit    The maximum amount of jobs slurm allows in an array
Optional Arguments:
    -m kmer_depth_cutoff  The amount of kMers that must overlap the variant to be included in the final call set
    -w window_size    The size of the windows to run RUFUS on, in units of kilabases (KB); allowed range between 500-5000; defaults to single run of entire genome if not provided
    -f reference_hash: Jhash file containing reference kMer hash list
    -x exclude_hash: Single or comma-delimited list of Jhash file(s) containing kMers to exclude from unique hash list
    -y path_to_rufus_container   If not provided, will look in current directory for rufus.sif	
    -z rufus_threads  Number of threads provided to RUFUS; defaults to 36
    -e email  The email address to notify with slurm updates
    -q slurm_job_queue_limit    The maximum amount of jobs able to be ran at once; defaults to 20
    -t slurm_time_limit   The maximum amount of time to let the slurm job run; defaults to 7 days for full run, or one hour per window (DD-HH:MM:SS)
    -h help   Print usage

Notes on SLURM arguments:
This script utilizes SLURM arrays to batch RUFUS call runs and thus requires the SLURM job array limit to comply with user settings. To find your SLURM job array limit:

scontrol show config | grep "MaxArraySize"

To maximize parallelism, filling in the slurm job queue limit (-q) is recommended. You can find your limit by typing:

scontrol show config | grep "default_queue_depth"

Example Invocation of the helper script

singularity exec /home/my_container_path/rufus.sif bash /opt/RUFUS/singularity/ -d /home/my_data_dir/ -s subject.bam -c control_a.bam, control_b.bam -r GRCh38_reference.fa -a my-slurm-account -p my-slurm-partition -w 1000 -t "00:30:00" -m 5 -l 20 -z 36 -e "" -f /home/my_container_path/



RUFUS k-mer based genomic variant detection






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