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An Android app for scanning and communicating with Bellabeat devices

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Modeling the state with Drivers and state machines in Android apps

Before reading this post, please read my post on shared sequences to understand what Drivers and Signals are.

BellaBle or Bellabeat Bluetooth is a small application for inspecting and debugging Bellabeat's devices.

It is implemented using our SharedSequence library and its main purpose is to show it in action. Along with SharedSequence, the app uses RxBleAndroid to wrap the Bluetooth network stack in RxJava1, and RxJava2Interop to wrap the RxBleAndroid's Bluetooth client in RxJava2.

I won't get into the details of RxBleAndroid and RxJava2Interop but no previous knowledge of these libraries is required as most of the methods are self-explanatory.

If you have ever worked with the Android Bluetooth stack, you probably know that there is a lot of state to manage. All the cases you have to cover cause the problem to be particularly hard to reason about. Only if we have a pragmatic way to model the state, we have a chance to cover all the edge-cases.

Let's get started by specifying what the requirements are.

Problem 1. We want to build an Android app that can scan and list Bellabeat devices nearby, connect to any of them, send arbitrary commands, and get responses.

Note that I decided to filter only Bellabeat devices to simplify the program. When we use specific devices, we can hardcode Bluetooth characteristics, thus skipping a part where we need to list all the characteristics for every device we connect to and choose among them. If you don't know what Bluetooth characteristics are, don't worry. It's not important for understanding the concepts we're going to explain in this posts.

Let's list all the things that can go wrong while scanning for devices:

  • Bluetooth can be disabled at any time
  • Bluetooth can be unavailable
  • Location permissions are needed and can be disabled at any time
  • Location services must be enabled and can be disabled at any time

If nothing of these happens, the bluetooth is ready. Luckily, in the RxBleAndroid library, we have an observeStateChanges() function that returns the Observable<State>, where the State enum is:

public enum State {
     * Bluetooth Adapter is not available on the given OS. 
     * Most functions will throw {@link UnsupportedOperationException} when called.
     * Location permission is not given. Scanning and connecting to a device will not work. 
     * Used on API >=23.
     * Bluetooth Adapter is not switched on. Scanning and connecting to a device will not work.
     * Location Services are switched off. Scanning will not work. Used on API >=23.
     * Everything is ready to be used.

If we observe the state, we can react on time and clear the appropriate resources. Once we know that the Bluetooth is ready, we can start scanning for devices. The function

 * Returns an infinite observable emitting BLE scan results.
 * Scan is automatically started and stopped based on the Observable lifecycle.
 * Scan is started on subscribe and stopped on unsubscribe. You can safely subscribe multiple 
 * observers to this observable.
 * <p>
 * The library automatically handles Bluetooth adapter state changes but you are supposed to 
 * prompt the user to enable it if it is disabled
 * This function works on Android 4.3 in compatibility (emulated) mode.
 * @param scanSettings Scan settings
 * @param scanFilters Filtering settings
public abstract Observable<ScanResult> scanBleDevices(ScanSettings scanSettings, ScanFilter... scanFilters);

returns a ScanResult every time it finds a device nearby. ScanResult contains all the important information about the device: name, mac address, rssi, ...

Now, we have everything to model our ScanActivity. It is obvious that we have to combine the two observables somehow, but it's not immediately obvious how. To complicate things a little bit more, we'll add a third observable - a filter. Remember that we want to filter only Bellabeat devices. We'll add a menu in which we can select if we want to display only Leaf devices, only Spring devices, or both Leaf and Spring devices.

If we take a step backwards and look at the whole picture

  • if the Bluetooth is ready, we have to collect all the scan results in a list
  • if the users changes the filter settings we have to filter this list.

Basically, our state has to change based on different events that are emitted from different sources. The sources are:

  • the bluetooth state observable - if the user turns the bluetooth off, we'll see it through the observeStateChanges observable. The same is true for location services and location permissions.
  • the filter observable - if the user changes the filter settings, we'll see see it through another observable that we'll construct later.
  • the scanning observable - if the new device is found, we'll see it through the scanBleDevices observable.

This three sources emit events that can change our state. They interact with different resources and react when they change. They are popularly called side-effects. What a better way to model the state reacting to events than a state machine!

To describe a state machine we need 5 objects:

  • a finite, non empty set of states
  • a finite, non empty set of commands. I adopted the name command instead of event, don't ask me why. In a formal mathematical definition it is called the input alphabet.
  • the initial state
  • the state-transition function. This function takes the current state and a command, and returns a new state.
  • a possibly empty set of finial states. These are states in which we stop our state machine.

We start with the initial state. Side-effects observe the state and produce commands which are then given to the state-transition function. The state-transition function takes the current state and a produced command and returns a new state. Let's give a concrete example.

We start with the StartScanning state. The Bluetooth state observable side-effect waits for the StartScanning state and when the state arrives maps the observableStateChanges into commands. When the observableStateChanges returns the READY state, we map it into the BluetoothReady command and give it to the state-transition function. This function will take the StartScanning state and the BluetoothReady command and return the BluetoothReady(listOf()) state. The scanning observable waits for the BluetoothReady state and when the state arrives maps the scanBleDevices into the NewScanResult command. The state-transitioning function appends the scanned device to the BluetoothReady state's list.

In the activity's onResume we subscribe to the state machine and update the UI as the state changes.

It's completely understandable if you're confused. I'll try to illustrate this example with a picture.

State machine example 1

When we subscribe to the state machine, it emits the first state - StartScanning. Every side-effect observes the output state of the state-transitioning function, reacts on it, creates zero, one or more commands and feeds them back to the function. As you can see, this side-effects are loops. They are so common in our architectures that we named them feedback loops or simply feedbacks. With this new terminology, our state machine looks like this:

State machine example 2

Note that, in this general form, seems like all feedbacks react when a state changes. That's usually true, but sometimes it's enough to implement a simpler version. We can simply ignore the state and send commands when a resources changes. Actually that's what happen with the Bluetooth state feedback. We don't have to wait for the State.StartScanning to arrive, because that's the initial state and will arrive as soon as we subscribe. Instead, we ignore the feedback's input state and start emitting the Bluetooth state commands as soon as we subscribe. Something like this:

State machine example 3

Anyway, that's just a technicality. Conceptually, our state machine is fully described with a second picture.

All of this may seem too complicated for a problem we're trying to solve. But two things are important

  1. It's not easy to understand it af first, but once you do, you'll see the power and the simplicity of it. If these pictures are not enough, keep reading. Dive into the code and get back to the pictures later.
  2. I'm not trying to solve this particular bluetooth problem. I'm trying to generalize it as much as possible so that it's applicable to a broader class of problems.

Let's turn our concept into code!

The first thing we need to describe our state machine is a set of states. To describe states and commands we use sealed and data classes and objects.

sealed class State {
  object StartScanning : State()
  object BluetoothNotAvailable : State()
  object LocationPermissionNotGranted : State()
  object BluetoothNotEnabled : State()
  object LocationServicesNotEnabled : State()
  data class BluetoothReady(val devices: List<ScanResult> = listOf(), val filter: String = "SPRING_LEAF") : State()

Our state machine can be in six different states.

  • The initial state: StartScanning
  • Bluetooth-problematic states: BluetoothNotAvailable, LocationPermissionNotGranted, BluetoothNotEnabled and LocationServicesNotEnabled
  • The state we want to be in - BluetoothReady. This state has two extra properties:
    • devices - a list of scanned devices
    • filter - the filter we're applying to the list of devices

Next are commands.

sealed class Command {
  object Refresh : Command()
  data class NewScanResult(val scanResult: ScanResult) : Command()
  data class SetBleState(val state: State) : Command()
  data class Filter(val value: String) : Command()
  • We'll use the Refresh command to clear the list of scanned devices.
  • Every time we find a new device, we'll send a NewScanResult command along with the scanned device data (ScanResult).
  • When the Bluetooth state feedback detects a change in the bluetooth state (e.g. the user turn the bluetooth off), it will send the SetBleState command with the appropriate state. We could have a separate command for every state but there is no need for that. Arguably, the code would be easier to understand but definitely longer.
  • When the user changes the filter settings, the filter feedback will send the Filter command with the specified filter (represented as a String in this example). Note that we haven't displayed the filter feedback in the pictures above to make them easier to understand.

We've already said that the initial state is StartScanning.

The state-transitioning function looks like this:

fun stateTransitioning(state: State, command: Command) = 
  when (command) {
    is Command.Refresh ->
      if(state is State.BluetoothReady) state.copy(devices = listOf()) else state
    is Command.SetBleState -> command.state
    is Command.NewScanResult ->
      if (state is State.BluetoothReady)
        state.copy(devices = updateScanResultList(state.devices, command.scanResult))
      else state
    is Command.Filter ->
      if(state is State.BluetoothReady) state.copy(filter=command.value) else state
  • If the command is Refresh and the state is BluetoothReady we clear the devices list. If the state is not BluetoothReady, we just return the current state because there is nothing to refresh.
  • If the command is SetBleState, we simply set the state.
  • If the command is NewScanResult we append the ScanResult to the current list.
  • If the command is Filter we change the filter property of the BluetoothReady state.

In this example our set of final states is empty, as we want our state machine to run indefinitely.

Good, we have all the components except the feedback loops. Before we define them, let's see the machine's structure.

  private val replay = ReplaySubject.createWithSize<State>(1)

  val state: Driver<State> = Driver
    .merge(listOf(                                                          // (1)
    .scan<Command, State>(State.StartScanning, ::stateTransitioning)        // (2)
    .doOnNext { replay.onNext(it) }                                         // (3)

Now, take a look at the third pircture again.

(1) We merge all the commands from all the feedback loops together. Note that we have four feedbacks:

  • userCommandsFeedback() - we use this feedback if we want to send commands manually.
  • scanningFeedback - this feedback waits for the BluetoothReady state and sends NewScanResult commands if it finds new devices that are not filtered out.
  • bleStateFeedback - this feedback reacts on Bluetooth state changes (e.g. the user turns the bluetooth off)
  • filterFeedback - this feedback reacts on the filter settings changes (e.g. the user wants to filter only Spring devices)

(2) We combine the commands with the current state to produce a new state.

(3) We feed the state back to the feedback loops. In this case only the scanningFeedback needs a state, others only react on the resource they are observing.

Let's define the feedback loops.

The user commands feedback

private val userCommands = PublishSubject.create<Command>()
private fun userCommandsFeedback() = userCommands.asDriverCompleteOnError()
fun sendCommand(c: Command) = userCommands.onNext(c)

This is how we manually send commands into our state machine. We call the sendCommand function which emits the command into the PublishSubject which then gets merged into the state machine.

The scanning feedback

private val devices = bleClient.scanBleDevices(ScanSettings.Builder().build())

private fun scanningFeedback(state: Driver<State>) =
      .distinctUntilChanged { s -> (s as? State.BluetoothReady)?.filter ?: "" }     
      .switchMapDriver { s ->
        if (s is State.BluetoothReady)
            .asDriver { logErrorAndComplete("Error while scanning!", it) }
            .filter { filterOnlySelectedDevices(, s.filter) }
        else Driver.empty()
      .map { Command.NewScanResult(it) }

This feedback waits until the filter changes and, if the state is BluetoothReady, it starts scanning for devices, applies the filter and emits the NewScanResult command. If the state changes from BluetoothReady to something else, the switchMap cleans the resources and returns the empty Driver.

Bluetooth state feedback

private fun bleStateFeedback() =
    Driver.defer {
        .map {
          when (it) {
            READY -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothReady(listOf()))
            BLUETOOTH_NOT_AVAILABLE -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothNotAvailable)
            LOCATION_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED -> Command.SetBleState(State.LocationPermissionNotGranted)
            LOCATION_SERVICES_NOT_ENABLED -> Command.SetBleState(State.LocationServicesNotEnabled)
            BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothNotEnabled)
            null -> throw RuntimeException("The bluetooth state enum is null!")

The feedback start with the current Bluetooth state (bleClient.state) and emits new values every time the state changes. The observeStateChanges returns the State enum which we map into commands.

Filter feedback

  private val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(app)
  private fun filterFeedback() = 
    Observable.create<Command> { emitter ->
      val listener: (SharedPreferences, String) -> Unit = { sp, k ->
        if (k == "device_types_to_scan")
          emitter.onNext(Command.Filter(sp.getString(k, "")))
      emitter.setCancellable {
    .startWith(Observable.fromCallable<Command> {
      Command.Filter(prefs.getString("device_types_to_scan", ""))

We store the filter settings in SharedPreferences and wrap it in RxJava with the Observable.create method. Every time the filter is changed we emit the new filter value in the Filter command.

Let's put everything together.

Note that a state machine is not an architecture specific object and you can implement it wherever you want. If I'm using it in an activity I usually put the logic in the ViewModel class of the Android's Architecture Components

The ViewModel looks like this:

sealed class State {
  object StartScanning : State()
  object BluetoothNotAvailable : State()
  object LocationPermissionNotGranted : State()
  object BluetoothNotEnabled : State()
  object LocationServicesNotEnabled : State()
  data class BluetoothReady(val devices: List<ScanResult> = listOf(), val filter: String = "SPRING_LEAF") : State()

sealed class Command {
  object Refresh : Command()
  data class NewScanResult(val scanResult: ScanResult) : Command()
  data class SetBleState(val state: State) : Command()
  data class Filter(val value: String) : Command()

class ScanViewModel(app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) {

  private val bleClient = getApplication<BellaBleApp>().bleClient
  private val devices = bleClient.scanBleDevices(ScanSettings.Builder().build())

  private val userCommands = PublishSubject.create<Command>()
  private val replay = ReplaySubject.createWithSize<State>(1)

  private val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(app)

  // API
  val state: Driver<State> = Driver
    .scan<Command, State>(State.StartScanning) { state, command ->
      when (command) {
        is Command.Refresh ->
          if (state is State.BluetoothReady) state.copy(devices = listOf()) else state
        is Command.SetBleState -> command.state
        is Command.NewScanResult ->
          if (state is State.BluetoothReady)
            state.copy(devices = updateScanResultList(state.devices, command.scanResult))
          else state
        is Command.Filter ->
          if (state is State.BluetoothReady) state.copy(filter = command.value) else state
    .doOnNext { replay.onNext(it) }

  fun sendCommand(c: Command) = userCommands.onNext(c)

  private fun userCommandsFeedback() = userCommands.asDriverCompleteOnError()

  private fun scanningFeedback(state: Driver<State>) =
      .distinctUntilChanged { s -> (s as? State.BluetoothReady)?.filter ?: "" }
      .switchMapDriver { s ->
        if (s is State.BluetoothReady)
            .asDriver { logErrorAndComplete("Error while scanning!", it) }
            .filter { filterOnlySelectedDevices(, s.filter) }
        else Driver.empty()
      .map { Command.NewScanResult(it) }

  private fun bleStateFeedback() =
    Driver.defer {
        .map {
          when (it) {
            READY -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothReady(listOf()))
            BLUETOOTH_NOT_AVAILABLE -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothNotAvailable)
            LOCATION_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED -> Command.SetBleState(State.LocationPermissionNotGranted)
            LOCATION_SERVICES_NOT_ENABLED -> Command.SetBleState(State.LocationServicesNotEnabled)
            BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED -> Command.SetBleState(State.BluetoothNotEnabled)
            null -> throw RuntimeException("The bluetooth state enum is null!")

  private fun filterFeedback() =
    Observable.create<Command> { emitter ->
      val listener: (SharedPreferences, String) -> Unit = { sp, k ->
        if (k == "device_types_to_scan")
          emitter.onNext(Command.Filter(sp.getString(k, "")))
      emitter.setCancellable {
      .startWith(Observable.fromCallable<Command> {
        Command.Filter(prefs.getString("device_types_to_scan", ""))

  private fun updateScanResultList(currentResults: List<ScanResult>, newResult: ScanResult) =
        .filter { it.bleDevice.macAddress == newResult.bleDevice.macAddress })
      .sortedByDescending { it.rssi }

  private fun logErrorAndComplete(msg: String, t: Throwable): Driver<ScanResult> {
    Log.d("SCAN VIEW MODEL", msg, t)
    return Driver.empty()

  private fun filterOnlySelectedDevices(name: String?, selection: String): Boolean {
    return if (name == null)
    else when (selection) {
      "LEAF" -> name.startsWith("Leaf")
      "SPRING" -> name.startsWith("Spring")
      "SPRING_LEAF" -> name.startsWith("Leaf") || name.startsWith("Spring")
      else -> throw RuntimeException("No devices like this: $selection")

Now, to start the state machine, we can subscribe in the onResume or onStart functions.

  .drive {
    when (it) {
      is State.BluetoothNotEnabled -> showBluetoothDisableSnackbar()
      is State.BluetoothNotAvailable -> showBluetoothNotAvailableSnackbar()
      is State.LocationPermissionNotGranted -> showLocationPermissionNotGrantedSnackbar()
      is State.LocationServicesNotEnabled -> showLocationServiceNotEnabledSnackbar()

To complete the activity we only have to initialize the ScanViewModel class and setup the UI. I'll omit the details as you have them in the repository.

Take a look again at the final ScanViewModel class. Before the class definition, we have the whole state and all the commands. Notice that there is no implicit (hidden) state. Everything that can happen with our state machine (basically, with our activity) is described with the State class and its subclasses. Every interaction, manual or not, is described with the Command class and its subclasses. Just by looking at the commands, you can see that the only thing the user can do with this activity (except navigating to a different activity) is refreshing and filtering the device list.

The core of the ScanViewModel is the state machine and its feedback loops. After you model your state and commands, the only thing you need to do is to define the feedback loops and connect them with a state machine (which should be straightforward).

Thinking about state machines brings structure to your code and makes it more predictable. When you get the grip, you find it easy to read and understand. Finally, if you use shared sequences like Drivers or Signals you don't have to think about sharing the state between observers, observing and subscribing on the main thread, or crashing your app if an error happens inside the state machine.

In the repository you can find another example which uses Signals instead of Drivers. It's the CommandExecutor class which is used for sending and receiving data from a specific Bluetooth device.

We find this feedback-based state machine concept so useful that we extracted it in a separate library and named it RxFeedback. In the future, you'll be able to find many more different example there. I hope. :)

Feel free to comment if you have any questions or suggestions.


An Android app for scanning and communicating with Bellabeat devices






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