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Marko Kajzer edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 15 revisions

Configuration Options

  • You can change the bot's language via the language options. Currently available locales are de (German), es (Spanish), fr (French), hu (Hungarian), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), and nl (Dutch). The bot defaults to en (English).
  • The bot's prefix can be configured via prefix.
  • You can configure the accepted file formats (via the acceptedExtensions array) as well as the size of the accepted files (via the maximumFileSize given in bytes, e.g. 1000000 for 1 MB).
  • The bot's volume can be adjusted via volume, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
  • The bot can automatically delete !<sound> messages for you to reduce channel spam. For this, set deleteMessages to true. Make sure the bot has the right permissions.
  • To let the bot stay in the channel after playing sounds to reduce noise, you can set the stayInChannel configuration option. You can order the bot to leave the channel with !leave.
    • To set a custom timeout with stayInChannel, specify the timeout configuration option in minutes. For the bot to always stay in the channel, specify 0.
  • If you are super paranoid about the bot listening to you, you can set deafen to true.
  • You can set the bot's activity via the game options.
  • By default, only admins can manage (rename, remove) sounds. This is configurable via the elevatedRoles option.

Additional Commands

You can also add additional commands you want the bot to have, see here.