Marko provides a hot-reloading feature that allows templates to automatically be reloaded without a restart. Your app must explicitly turn on this feature as described below and you would typically only enable hot-reloading in development (not production).
git clone
cd marko-hot-reload
npm install
node server
There are two steps to allowing Marko templates to be hot reloaded on the server:
Step 1: Enable hot reloading:
Step 2: Tell the Marko runtime when a template is modified:
Marko does not come with a mechanism for watching Marko template files for changes. Your app must include the code for watching a change to a file and then pass along the full template path to Marko so that the modified template can be hot reloaded. For example, using the builtin fs file watching service:
require('fs').watch(templatesDir, function (event, filename) {
if (/\.marko$/.test(filename)) {
// Resolve the filename to a full template path:
var templatePath = path.join(templatesDir, filename);
console.log('Marko template modified: ', templatePath);
// Pass along the *full* template path to marko
The chokidar module provides more robust file watching functionality that works across most OSs.
You can also use the browser-refresh module to watch for changes to Marko template files. You just need to add the following line of code into the main script for your app:
Then you would use browser-refresh to launch your Node.js app. For example:
npm install browser-refresh --global
browser-refresh server.js
In addition, you'll need to include the <browser-refresh>
tag in your main page template as shown below:
<!doctype html>
<browser-refresh enabled="true" />
In addition, you will need to let the browser-refresh
process launcher know when your server is ready so that it can trigger a refresh of all web pages at the correct time. This can be done using code similar to the following:
app.listen(port, function() {
console.log('Listening on port %d', port);
if (process.send) {
For more details, please see the docs for the browser-refresh module.