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MarkLogic Data Explorer (Ferret)

This is a tool to quickly and easily set up queries and tabular views of data in any MarkLogic database. It is currently limited to XML data, but other data models are in the works.

The guiding principle of Data Explorer is to separate the roles between a data owner who knows the data and manages lists of queries and views, and data users who simply need to query, view, explore and export data.

All data is exposed through tabular HTML views and tabular Excel outputs (.csv format).

The tool is non-intrusive and easy to install, meaning that you can download and run an install quickly without impacting your existing databases or configuration. Data Explorer will set up an extra modules and configuration database, but will not store or modify data in your own databases.

Can I use Data Explorer?

Data Explorer is appropriate for any project with XML or JSON data in the database. There is support for RDF triples within XML documents. Full RDF is planned for the future.

System Requirements

Data Explorer downloads:

Setup and Quick Overview

Most of the setup is self explanatory. Follow these steps to get views on your (existing) data fast:

  1. Download the data-explorer.jar from the releases area (don't download or checkout all the source code)
  2. Run: java -jar data-explorer.jar deploy
  3. Browse to localhost:7777 and login as wizard-user
    • The deploy step created two users, "wizard-user" and "search-user" both with password = "password". Recommendation: change those passwords or remove users if not needed.
    • Add the data-explorer-search-role to users in your application so they will be able to see their data. See #5 below.
  4. Configure your first query:
    • upload a sample document to tell Data Explorer what elements are possible
    • Choose fields for query and view, respectively
    • Name the query/view combo and set the database where it applies
  5. IMPORTANT: Update/create a user or users to have both a data-explorer role, "data-explorer-search-role", and whatever role(s) needed to access data in your DB.
    • Data Explorer explicitly checks for wizard and search roles, so even the admin user will not work without a role.
    • See the security section below for additional details.
  6. Go to the "search" tab or log out and log back in as a "search-user" to see your data

THAT'S IT Start searching.


More details below, including pictures and some variants or advanced topics.

Setup Instructions

Install Data Explorer into MarkLogic

The easiest way to install and run Data Explorer is to download the auto-installer jar from the Builds section of this github site, and run with the "deploy" option.

java -jar data-explorer.jar deploy

This sets it up as a web application that runs directly out of MarkLogic. Just browse to localhost:7777 to access Data Explorer.

This shows the new databases, forests and app server that should be installed after your run the deploy command.

Installed Artifacts Image

... Note that if you do not have a common configuration with your marklogic server on "localhost" with username/password of admin/admin, you'll have to modify the following parameters on the command line java -DmlPassword= -DmlHost= -jar data-explorer.jar deploy

Set up Queries and Views

Queries and Views can only be created by a user with data-explorer-wizard-role (see Security). With the wizard role, the "Edit config" menu item will be visible. This capability allows management of queries and bookmarks.

When starting the Data Explorer for the first time, there are not queries defined!!! Select the "Edit config" menu item to define queries. Because you have no query views, you'll get dropped right into the "wizard" to create new queries and views when you browse to :7777.

What is this Query/View concept?

The Data Explorer allows a users to search and view their data!
The search can be a word/text search across all fields, or a specific elements/attributes search defined in the query. The output (or View) provides a tabular view of the results of the search performed.

Defining a query

The Data Explorer has several options for defining a query.

  • Choose a representative XML/JSON file from the file system
  • Sample the database by collection name, directory, URI, or root element
  • Sample the database by choosing a document type (this does a sampling of documents to choose from)

Once you have selected a document via one of these techniques, click "Select fields"

Query Wizard Image

In the resulting wizard you must

  • Name the query
  • Choose the root element (this allows envelop selection)
  • Select which database to use for the query and view (
    • Database selection limited to those with app server
    • Database counts are documents available base on users roles
  • Identify if you would like a bookmark and name it
  • Specify the result element order as alphabetical or document order
  • Specify which elements are used for queries or views or both

Save the query and go search!!!

Additional Information


There are two Data explorer roles: wizard role (data-explorer-wizard-role) and search role (data-explorer-search-role).
To use the Data Explorer, users must be assigned one of these roles!!! These are shown on the left side of the diagram below.

Key Security Considerations for Data Explorer (MUST READ):

  • The wizard role is to configure queries for search role users. This will generally be someone who has knowledge of MarkLogic and the data domain.
    • Add the wizard role to the admin user or specific consultants/users that perform admin duties on the project.
  • The search role is for users to view and run queries that have been previously created.
    • Search users typically do not have the wizard role.
    • Search users must have the search role to use the Data Explorer, so remember to add the search role to users to enable searching.
  • All Data Explorer users need permissions for the content database to view and query the data, so remember to verify they have the appropriate application roles.

Roles Image

Default Data Explorer Users

A default users wizard-user and search-user with password "password" are be configured on install. These users are for convenience to do demos. IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to remove the default users or change their passwords for deployments!!!

Application Security Roles

The Data Explorer and the data explorer roles do not have any permissions to see any application data.
Users of the Data Explorer must have the application roles required to see data in the database, otherwise they can't see the data. If a user is already configured in MarkLogic with application roles, you can simply add the data-explorer-search-role to the existing user account to use the Data Explorer tool and see their data.

NOTE: If a search user is not seeing their data - check their roles/permissions.

Basic searching

The left hand side has selection and query controls to find data and show in your configured view(s). Version 0.10 has added bookmarks which allow quick access to "saved" queries.

Search Screen Image

Other features

In addition, the data can be

  • Exported to Excel
  • clicked into to see a hierarchical view of the data
    • in this view, element names are tokenized to text prompts and XML nesting becomes simple indentation
  • click through the hierarchical view to the raw data
  • view properties and collections of records

Use with the Data Hub Framework or Entity Services

Out of the box, Data Explorer assumes that your documents are of different types distinguished by their root element name. If you are using the Data Hub Framework or Entity Services, however, all your documents will have the same es:envelope "Root Element,"" so choose a new Root Element on the Query Wizard screen. Your ideal root is probably an element inside es:instance that distinguishes a category or type of document.

This is not critical, but for queries to work right, you typically want them restricted to the right "type" of entity or document.

Root Element Selection Image

Contributing, Issues and Code


The Github repository for issue and sprint tracking is here:


  1. MarkLogic - See LICENSE.txt file
  2. Saxon XSLT - This tool uses the Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor from Saxonica Limited -
  3. ANTLR Parser - See notice in LICENSE.txt file
  4. Licenses for individual UI Components are under app/client/bower_components in their respective directory
  5. See Notice.docx for full list of licenses



  • If you get no results, be sure your user has a role that allows you to see the data. Log in as "admin" and use the Data Explorer tool to see the permissions on the results (click through to a row to see permissions).
  • "No database with identifier 18212714155313180665"
    • Clear out (remove) the amps that reference the database with the database identifier
  • "Invalid parameter: Port 7777 is in use."
    • Find what is using that port, and change it via the --mlRestPort option to the .jar deployer, or modify to specify another port (see ml-gradle github for details).
  • No search tab, and/or no wizard tab. - Likely need security roles added to the current user - even admin needs a role for these tabs to be visible on the UI.
  • Missing databases - Only databases that have application server are shown in database list.
  • Databases with 0 (zero) documents - Check that the user has the permissions/roles to see the data.
  • Database counts are incorrect - The counts are based on the permissions available to the user, so check permissions (roles) to the data first.