GitHub Action
Shortcut Release
Latest version
This action creates a formatted release in github from formatted commit messages annotated with Shortcut story data. Shortcut PR can automatically format your PR titles (and commit messages, once merged) for use with this action.
Required Github token
Default true
Would you like to generate a changelog for this release?
Shortcut story URL (ie.
The git tag for the current release.
The git tag of the most recent prior release.
Would you like the release be created in the "prereleased" state?
Default false
Run yarn tdd
to watch Jest tests as you make your changes.
Run yarn lint:watch
to watch for ESLint errors/warnings.
- '*'
uses: actions/release@v1
ghToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
chStoryUrl: ''
tag: "v1.0.0"
## prerelease: false # default is true
previousTag: "v0.0.9" # is required if you're generating a changelog
on: repository_dispatch
uses: actions/release@v1
ghToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag: ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
prerelease: false
createChangelog: false