GitHub Action
GitHub repository operations
Latest version
- uses: jikuma/githubaction@v0.4.0-alpha
operation: 'create a release'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
release_title: 'Release from Test'
release_note: 'Release created from commit ${{ github.sha }}'
asset_filepath: './'
tag_name: v0.1.GITHUB_SHORT_SHA
- uses: jikuma/githubaction@v0.4.0-alpha
operation: 'upload an asset to a release'
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
asset_filepath: './'
tag_name: v0.1.GITHUB_SHORT_SHA
See the walkthrough located here.
To see the sample usecase refer repositoty jikuma/githubactiontest
In addition to walking your through how to create an action, it also provides strategies for versioning, releasing and referencing your actions.