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GitHub Action

Customizable Docker Buildx


Customizable Docker Buildx


Customizable Docker Buildx

Configure docker to be used with buildx


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Customizable Docker Buildx

uses: ilteoood/docker_buildx@1.0.3

Learn more about this action in ilteoood/docker_buildx

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GitHub Action to build and publish images using Docker Buildx.


The accepted inputs are:

Name Type Default Mandatory Description
tag String latest No Tags (comma separated) to apply to the image
imageName String Yes Name of the image
dockerFile String Dockerfile No Name of the Dockerfile
buildArg String No Build arguments (comma separated) used to build the image
publish Boolean false No Indicate if the builded image should be published on Docker HUB
platform String linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 No Platforms (comma separated) that should be used to build the image
dockerHubUser String Only if publish is true User that will publish the image
dockerHubPassword String Only if publish is true Password of the dockerHubUser
load Boolean false No Indicate if you want to load image into docker

Example of usage

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: Build image job
            - name: Checkout master
              uses: actions/checkout@master
            - name: Build and publish image
              uses: ilteoood/docker_buildx@master
                publish: true
                imageName: YOUR_IMAGE_NAME_HERE
                dockerHubUser: YOUR_USER_HERE
                dockerHubPassword: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE