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Restores and saves the coursier cache


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: coursier-cache-action

uses: coursier/cache-action@v6.3.2

Learn more about this action in coursier/cache-action

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coursier cache action

A GitHub action to save / restore the coursier / sbt / mill / Ammonite caches of your build.


Add a coursier/cache-action@v6 step to your YAML workflow, like

      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: coursier/cache-action@v6

Cached directories

Coursier cache

Always cached.

Add files to take into account in its cache key via extraFiles.

~/.sbt and ~/.ivy2/cache

Cached when sbt files are found (any of *.sbt, project/**.scala, project/**.sbt, project/

Add files to take into account in its cache key via extraSbtFiles.


Cached when mill files are found (any of .mill-version, ./mill).

Add files to take into account in its cache key via extraMillFiles.


Cached when Ammonite scripts are found (any of *.sc, */*.sc).

Add files to take into account in its cache key via ammoniteScripts.



Optional Root directory containing build definition sources (build.sbt,, etc.)

If the sbt or mill build definition files are in a sub-directory, pass the path to this sub-directory here.


Optional Override for the path of the coursier cache.

By default, the coursier cache is assumed to be in the default OS-dependent location. Set this input to override that. Note that this action will also set the COURSIER_CACHE environment variable if an override is specified, so that you don't have to set it yourself.


Optional Extra files to take into account in the cache key.

By default, sbt build definition files (*.sbt, project/**.{scala,sbt}, project/ and mill build definition files (*.sc, ./mill) are hashed to uniquely identify the cached data. Upon cache restoration, if an exact match is found, the cache is not saved again at the end of the job. In case of no exact match, it is assumed new files may have been fetched; the previous cache for the current OS, if any, is restored, but a new cache is persisted with a new key at the end of the job.

To take into account extra files in the cache key, pass via extraFiles either

  • a single path as a string
  • multiple paths in a JSON array, encoded in a string

Blobs are accepted (processed by glob-all).


Optional Extra sbt files to take into account in the sbt cache key. Same format as extraFiles.


Optional Extra mill files to take into account in the mill cache key. Same format as extraFiles.


Optional Extra Ammonite scripts to take into account in the Ammonite cache key. Same format as extraFiles.



Extra value to be appended to the coursier cache key.

See extraFiles for more details.



Extra content to take into account in the cache key.

See extraFiles for more details.

The content of extraHashedContent is taken into account in the hash for the coursier cache key.


  • cache-hit-coursier - A boolean value to indicate a match was found for the coursier cache
  • cache-hit-sbt-ivy2-cache - A boolean value to indicate a match was found for the sbt-ivy2-cache cache
  • cache-hit-mill - A boolean value to indicate a match was found for the mill cache
  • cache-hit-ammonite - A boolean value to indicate a match was found for the ammonite cache

See Skipping steps based on cache-hit for info on using this output

Skipping steps based on cache-hit

Using the cache-hit-... outputs above, subsequent steps can be skipped when a cache hit occurs on a given key.


  - uses: actions/checkout@v3

  - uses: coursier/cache-action@v6
    id: coursier-cache

  - name: Fetch Dependencies
    if: steps.coursier-cache.outputs.cache-hit-coursier != 'true'
    run: sbt +update

Note: The id defined in coursier/cache-action must match the id in the if statement (i.e. steps.[ID].outputs.cache-hit-coursier)