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GitHub Action

Code Coverage Report Action


Code Coverage Report Action


Code Coverage Report Action

Action that converts a Cobertura XML report into a markdown report


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Code Coverage Report Action

uses: insightsengineering/coverage-action@v2.3.3

Learn more about this action in insightsengineering/coverage-action

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SuperLinter Test

Code Coverage Report Action


Action that converts a Cobertura XML report into a markdown report.

Action Type



Insights Engineering


  • token:

    Description: Github token to use to publish the check.

    Required: false

    Default: ${{ github.token }}

  • path:

    Description: Path to the Cobertura coverage XML report.

    Required: false

    Default: .

  • threshold:

    Description: The minimum allowed coverage percentage, as a real number.

    Required: false

    Default: 0

  • fail:

    Description: Fail the action when the minimum coverage was not met.

    Required: false

    Default: true

  • publish:

    Description: Publish the coverage report as an issue comment.

    Required: false

    Default: false

  • diff:

    Description: Create a diff of the coverage report.

    Required: false

    Default: false

  • diff-branch:

    Description: Branch to diff against.

    Required: false

    Default: main

  • diff-storage:

    Description: Branch where coverage reports are stored for diff purposes.

    Required: false

    Default: _xml_coverage_reports

  • coverage-reduction-failure:

    Description: Fail the action if code coverage decreased compared to the diff-branch is decreased.

    Required: false

    Default: false

  • new-uncovered-statements-failure:

    Description: Fail the action if any new uncovered statements are introduced compared to the diff-branch.

    Required: false

    Default: false

  • pycobertura-exception-failure:

    Description: Fail the action in case of a Pycobertura exception.

    Required: false

    Default: true

  • togglable-report:

    Description: Make the code coverage report togglable.

    Required: false

    Default: false



How it works

This tool makes use of the PyCobertura CLI tool to produce the summary outputs. The action also supports diffs against a given branch and makes use of a remote branch to store reports, which can be specified via this action.


Example usage:

name: Code Coverage

  # NOTE: Both, the 'pull_request' and the 'push'
  # events are REQUIRED to take full advantage
  # of the features of this action.
      - main
      - main

    name: Calculate code coverage
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Your logic to generate the Cobertura XML goes here
        run: echo "Your logic to generate the Cobertura XML goes here"

      - name: Produce the coverage report
        uses: insightsengineering/coverage-action@v2
          # Path to the Cobertura XML report.
          path: ./cobertura.xml
          # Minimum total coverage, if you want to the
          # workflow to enforce it as a standard.
          # This has no effect if the `fail` arg is set to `false`.
          threshold: 80.123
          # Fail the workflow if the minimum code coverage
          # reuqirements are not satisfied.
          fail: true
          # Publish the rendered output as a PR comment
          publish: true
          # Create a coverage diff report.
          diff: true
          # Branch to diff against.
          # Compare the current coverage to the coverage
          # determined on this branch.
          diff-branch: main
          # This is where the coverage reports for the
          # `diff-branch` are stored.
          # Branch is created if it doesn't already exist'.
          diff-storage: _xml_coverage_reports

An example of the output of the action can be seen below:

Action output