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GitHub Action

ApproveOps - Approvals in IssueOps


ApproveOps - Approvals in IssueOps


ApproveOps - Approvals in IssueOps

IssueOps (ChatOps) workflows that require Approvals from someone in a designated GitHub team


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: ApproveOps - Approvals in IssueOps

uses: joshjohanning/approveops@v2.0.2

Learn more about this action in joshjohanning/approveops

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ApproveOps Action

Approvals in IssueOps

See the following guide on this action:


name: ApproveOps
    types: [created]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: contains(github.event.comment.body, '/do-stuff')

    # get the app's installation token
    - uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
      id: app-token
        app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
        private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}

    - name: ApproveOps - Approvals in IssueOps
      uses: joshjohanning/approveops@v2
      id: check-approval
        token: ${{ }} # use a github app token or a PAT
        approve-command: '/approve' # defaults to '/approve', the command to look for in the comments
        team-name: 'approver-team' # the name of the team in GitHub to check for the approval command; e.g.: approver-team
        fail-if-approval-not-found: true # defaults to true, fail the action (show the action run as red) if the command is not found in the comments from someone in the approver team"
        post-successful-approval-comment: false # defaults to true, whether to post successful approval comment
        successful-approval-comment: ':tada:  You were able to run the workflow because someone left an approval in the comments!! :tada:' # Optional, only if post-successful-approval-comment is true, comment to post if an approval is found


  1. Create a GitHub team and add at least one member
  2. Authentication options:
  • GitHub App
    • If you are using a GitHub Github App, it will need following permissions:
      • read & write on Repository / Issues to create the comment
      • read-only on Organization / Members to list the members of the team
    • Generate a PRIVATE_KEY for the GitHub app and store it as a repo or organizational secret
    • Note the APP ID to use as an input for an action like actions/create-github-app-token@v1
  • Classic PAT
    • If you are using a classic PAT, it will need the following scopes:
    • repo - to create the comment
    • read:org - to list the members of the team
  • Fine-grained PAT
    • If you are using a fine-grained PAT, it will need following permissions (same as GitHub App):
      • read & write on Repository / Issues to create the comment
      • read-only on Organization / Members to list the members of the team

See the following guide on creating a GitHub app:


  • A Personal Access Token (PAT) is not used since we want the comment to show as from a bot
  • The github.token is not used since the token can't provide hyperlinks for @ mentions since it doesn't have the scope for org teams, only repository data

Breaking Changes

v1 to v2

Extracting the logic for generating a GitHub App's installation token so that you can either use an alternative action or method to retrieve the token or to be able use a GitHub PAT instead.

Added/removed the following inputs:

Input Action Required Note
token Added Yes GitHub App installation token or PAT that has access to read+write comments and list the team's membership, e.g.: ${{ steps.get_installation_token.outputs.token }}
approve-command Added No Optional, defaults to /approve, the command to look for in the comments
app-id Removed Yes The app ID for a GitHub App, e.g.: 170284
app-private-key Removed Yes The private key for a GitHub App, e.g.: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}

Removed the following dependency:

  • tibdex/github-app-token@v1


