You will need an auth token from Microsoft for search. Currently, 100 searches/day are free. You will need a separate spelling API key if you want to use the spell check wrapper. You will also need an API APP key for translation.
Once you have the environment variables BING_API_KEY and BING_SPELLING_KEY set, try running the "tests":
mvn clean test
Substitute your Microsoft BING API key.
(again, substitute your key)
BING_API_APP=e12 ..... 413
You can get an App API key at
The free translation tier is currently 2 megabytes of translated text per month.
I wrote the search and spelling wrappers myself. For translation, I use the wrapper from uses library from:
(:import [ Bing])
(:import [ Translate]))
(use '[ :only (read-json)])
(defn search [query]
(read-json (Bing/search query)))
(defn translate [text from-language to-language]
(read-json (Bing/search query)))
You can extend the languages supported by editing the file For now, the to and from languages can be: "chinese", "french", "japanese", "hungarian", "spanish", "english", and "spanish".
(ns test
(:require [ :as search]))
(println (search/search "parrot"))
(println (search/translate "parrot" "english" "spanish"))
I then include the JAR file in my Clojure project using the kluge I mentioned in a blog article:
For lein1 based projects, if I am not making frequent changes to Java code that I use in a Clojure project then I set the Java source path in my project.clj file:
:java-source-path "src/java"
and copy my Java code into PROJECT_DIR/src/java/
➜ bing_search_java git:(master) ✗ lein localrepo install bing.jar local/bing 0.1.0 ➜ bing_search_java git:(master) ✗ lein localrepo list | grep bing local/bing (0.1.0)
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