This library is a work in progress. It can cluster data using the partition around medoids (PAM) algorithm described in:
Leonard Kaufman and Peter J Rousseeuw. Finding Groups in Data. 1990.
Data is represented using a dynamic Eigen
matrix with type double
Please ensure you have installed Eigen version 3.3.
#include <cluster/pam.hpp>
int main()
// build a 1-dimensional matrix of objects
Eigen::VectorXd data(8);
data << 942, 2633, 2654, 2137, 373, 434, 1495, 1230;
// group the data into 3 clusters
auto const result = cluster::partition_around_medoids(3, data);
A complete example can be found in the examples/pam-1D
This project uses CMake for compiling.
CMake can configure the project different build systems and IDEs (type cmake --help
for a list of generators available for your platform).
We recommend you create a build directory before invoking CMake to configure the project (cmake -B
For example, we can perform the configuration step from the project root directory:
cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
After the configuration step, you can ask CMake to build the project.
cmake --build cmake-build-release/ --target all cmake --build cmake-build-debug/ --target all
Build options can be found in options.cmake
Documentation and example executables can also be built during compilation.
Simply specify the build option during the configuration step in CMake.
Using the already generated cmake-build-release
directory from the previous section, we can:
cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-release -DCLUSTER_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON
Your IDE or Makefile should now include additional targets when you turn these options on.
For example, enabling CLUSTER_BUILD_EXAMPLES
should provide access to the pam-1D
target, which you can build:
cmake --build cmake-build-release/ --target pam-1D
You can install the library by using the install
target, for example:
cmake --build cmake-build-release/ --target install
If you would like to change the default installation directory, you must do so in the configure step:
cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="`pwd`/my_install"
If your project also uses cmake, you can find the CMake package configuration files at <install-prefix>/lib/cmake/cluster