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GOQ (Goku)

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To install GOQ, run:

go install

Or download the binary from the GitHub releases


  goq [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure   Create a sample configuration file
  dump        Dump RabbitMQ messages to a file
  help        Help about any command
  monitor     Create a temporary queue and consume messages from it having the specified routing keys
  update      Update GOQ to the latest version
  version     Print the version number of GOQ

  -s, --amqps                Use AMQPS instead of AMQP
      --config string        Config file (default is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/goq/goq.yaml)
  -e, --exchange string      RabbitMQ exchange name
  -m, --file-mode string     File mode (append or overwrite) (default "overwrite")
  -h, --help                 Help for GOQ
  -o, --output string        Output file name (default "messages.txt")
  -k, --skip-tls-verify      Skip TLS certificate verification (insecure)
  -u, --url string           RabbitMQ URL (e.g., localhost:5672)
  -v, --virtualhost string   RabbitMQ virtual host
  -p, --pretty-print         Pretty print JSON messages

Use "goq [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Example Commands

  1. Dump messages from a local RabbitMQ server:

    goq dump -u localhost:5672 -q my_queue
  2. Monitor messages with specific routing keys:

    goq monitor -u localhost:5672 -r routing_key1,routing_key2,routing_key_pattern.#
  3. Use AMQPS with a specific virtual host:

    goq dump -u -q important_queue -s -v my_vhost
  4. Automatically acknowledge messages and stop after consuming:

    goq dump -u localhost:5672 -q my_queue -a -c
  5. Append to an existing output file:

    goq dump -u localhost:5672 -q my_queue -m append -o existing_output.txt


GOQ can be configured using a YAML file. By default, it looks for a configuration file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/goq/goq.yaml.

Example Configuration File

# Configuration for rabbitmq-dumper

# Use AMQPS instead of AMQP
amqps: true

# Skip TLS certificate verification (insecure)
skip-tls-verify: true

# RabbitMQ server URL
url: ""

# RabbitMQ exchange name, leave empty if not used
exchange: "some_exchange"

# RabbitMQ virtual host, leave empty if not used
virtualhost: "some-virtual-host"

# Output file name (relative to the current working directory)
output: "messages.txt"

# File mode (append or overwrite)
file-mode: "overwrite"

# Pretty print JSON messages
pretty-print: true

When using a config file, the flags will override the values in the config file. It's useful to combine the config file with command-line flags for more flexibility.

How Does GOQ Work?

  1. Connection: Establishes a connection to the specified RabbitMQ server using either AMQP or AMQPS.
  2. Queue Binding: Binds to the specified queue and exchange (if provided).
  3. Message Consumption: Begins consuming messages from the queue.
  4. File Writing: Writes consumed messages to the specified output file.
  5. Acknowledgment: Acknowledges messages based on the auto-ack setting.
  6. Monitoring: Displays the progress of consumed messages.
  7. Termination: Stops consuming messages based on user input (CTRL+C) or the stop-after-consume flag.


Contributions to GOQ are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, create issues for bugs and feature requests, or contribute to the documentation.


GOQ is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


A tool to dump RabbitMQ messages to a file







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