Here we provide the datasets for our paper: Towards Understanding the Consumption of Video-Ads on YouTube.
Video-ad exhibitions on our local dataset.
ad_id: video-ad identifier
watch-id: video-content identifier
skip_dur: seconds until user skips the exhibition. When the exhibition is watched in full, skip_dur = nan
Global information of video-ads collected through the YouTube API
title: title of the video-ad
description: description of the video-ad
categoryId: category of the video-ad
duration: duration of the video-ad
viewCount: total number of views
publishedAt: date of upload of the video
Global information of video-contents collected through the YouTube API
title: title of the video-content
description: description of the video-content
categoryId: category of the video-content
duration: duration of the video-content
viewCount: total number of views
channelId: channel associated with video-content
Daily timeseries of the number of views. For video-ads only.
Filled out on publication.