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File metadata and controls

1802 lines (1378 loc) · 75.9 KB


There are two different connection implementation: one, the default, uses Promise and the other uses Callback, allowing for compatibility with the mysql and mysql2 API's.

The documentation provided on this page is the promise API (default).
If you want information on the Callback API, see the CALLBACK API.

Quick Start

Install the mariadb Connector using npm

$ npm install mariadb

You can then use the Connector in your application code with the Promise API. For instance,

const mariadb = require('mariadb');

async function asyncFunction() {
 const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
  host: '',
  user: 'myUser',
  password: 'myPwd'

 try {
  const res = await conn.query('select 1', [2]);
  console.log(res); // [{ "1": 1 }]
  return res;
 } finally {



In order to use the Connector you first need to install it on your system. The installation process for Promise and Callback API's is managed with the same package through npm.

$ npm install mariadb

To use the Connector, you need to import the package into your application code.

const mariadb = require('mariadb');

Migrating from 2.x or mysql/mysql2 to 3.x

Default behaviour for decoding BIGINT / DECIMAL datatype for 2.x version and mysql/mysql2 drivers return a javascript Number object. BIGINT/DECIMAL values might not be in the safe range, resulting in approximate results.

Since 3.x version, driver has reliable default, returning:

  • DECIMAL => javascript String
  • BIGINT => javascript BigInt object

For compatibility with previous version or mysql/mysql driver, 4 options have been added to return BIGINT/DECIMAL as number, as previous defaults.

option description type default
insertIdAsNumber Whether the query should return last insert id from INSERT/UPDATE command as BigInt or Number. default return BigInt boolean false
decimalAsNumber Whether the query should return decimal as Number. If enabled, this might return approximate values. boolean false
bigIntAsNumber Whether the query should return BigInt data type as Number. If enabled, this might return approximate values. boolean false
checkNumberRange when used in conjunction of decimalAsNumber, insertIdAsNumber or bigIntAsNumber, if conversion to number is not exact, connector will throw an error (since 3.0.1) function

Previous options supportBigNumbers and bigNumberStrings still exist for compatibility, but are now deprecated.

Other considerations

mysql has an experimental syntax permitting the use of ?? characters as placeholder to escape id. This isn't implemented in mariadb driver, permitting same query syntax for Connection.query and Connection.execute.


  const res = await conn.query('call ??(?)', [myProc, 'myVal']);

has to use explicit escapeId:

  const res = await conn.query(`call ${conn.escapeId(myProc)}(?)`, ['myVal']);

Cluster configuration removeNodeErrorCount default to Infinity when mysql/mysql2 default to value 5. This avoids removing nodes without explicitly saying so.


Enable 'trace' option in development

It is recommended to activate the trace option in development Since driver is asynchronous, enabling this option permits to save initial stack when calling any driver methods. This allows to have interesting debugging information: example:

const pool = mariadb.createPool({
  host: '',
  user: 'myUser',
  connectionLimit: 5
await pool.query('wrong query');
/* will throw an error like : 
  SqlError: (conn:15868, no: 1064, SQLState: 42000) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'wrong query' at line 1
sql: wrong query - parameters:[]
    at Object.module.exports.createError (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\lib\misc\errors.js:57:10)
    at ...
  text: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'wrong query' at line 1",
  sql: 'wrong query - parameters:[]',
  fatal: false,
  errno: 1064,
  sqlState: '42000',
  code: 'ER_PARSE_ERROR'

Same example but with pool trace

const pool = mariadb.createPool({
  host: '',
  user: 'myUser',
  connectionLimit: 5,
  trace: true
await pool.query('wrong query');
/* will throw an error like : 
  sql: wrong query - parameters:[]
    at Object.module.exports.createError (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\lib\misc\errors.js:57:10)
    at ...
 From event:
    at Function._PARAM (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\lib\connection-promise.js:104:30)
    at PoolPromise.query (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\lib\pool-promise.js:102:40)
    at Context.<anonymous> (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\test\integration\test-pool.js:60:18)
    at callFn (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:366:21)
    at (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:354:5)
    at Runner.runTest (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:678:10)
    at C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:801:12
    at next (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:593:14)
    at C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:603:7
    at next (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:486:14)
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (C:\temp\mariadb-connector-nodejs2\node_modules\mocha\lib\runner.js:571:5)
    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21) {
  text: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'wrong query' at line 1",
  sql: 'wrong query - parameters:[]',
  fatal: false,
  errno: 1064,
  sqlState: '42000',
  code: 'ER_PARSE_ERROR'

The caller method and line are now in error stack, permitting error easy debugging.

The problem is this error stack is created using Error.captureStackTrace that is super slow (hoping node.js solved it at some point). To give an idea, this slows down by 10% a query like 'select * from mysql.user LIMIT 1', so not recommended in production.

Timezone consideration

If Client and Server share the same timezone, default behavior (timezone='local') is the solution.

Problem reside when client and server doesn't share timezone.

The timezone option can have the following value:

  • 'local' (default) : connector doesn't do any conversion. If the database has a different timezone, there will be offset issues.
  • 'auto' : connector retrieve server timezone, and If client timezone differ from server, connector will set session timezone to client timezone
  • IANA timezone / offset, example 'America/New_York' or '+06:00'. Connector will set session timezone to indicated timezone, It is expected that this timezone correspond to client tz.

Using 'auto' or setting specific timezone solve timezone correction. Please be carefull for fixed timezone: Etc/GMT+12 = GMT-12:00 = -12:00 = offset -12. Etc/GMT have opposite sign !!

(Before 3.1, connector was converting date to server timezone, but these was not correcting all timezone issues)

IANA timezone / offset

When using IANA timezone, the connector will set the connection timezone to the timezone. this can throw an error on connection if timezone is unknown by the server (see mariadb timezone documentation, timezone tables might be not initialized) If you are sure the server is using that timezone, this step can be skipped with the option skipSetTimezone.

If timezone correspond to javascript default timezone, then no conversion will be done

Timezone setting recommendation.

The best is to have the same timezone on client and database, then keep the 'local' default value.

If different, then either client or server has to convert date. In general, that is best to use client conversion, to avoid putting any unneeded stress on the database. timezone has to be set to the IANA timezone corresponding to server timezone and disabled skipSetTimezone option since you are sure that the server has the corresponding timezone.

example: client use 'America/New_York' by default, and server 'America/Los_Angeles'. execute 'SELECT @@system_time_zone' on the server. that will give the server default timezone. the server can return POSIX timezone like 'PDT' (Pacific Daylight Time). IANA timezone correspondence must be found : (see IANA timezone List) and configure client-side. This will ensure DST (automatic date saving time change will be handled)

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
    host: process.env.DB_HOST,
    user: process.env.DB_USER,
    password: process.env.DB_PWD,
    timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    skipSetTimezone: true

Security consideration

Connection details such as URL, username, and password are better hidden into environment variables. using code like :

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  password: process.env.DB_PWD

Then for example, run node.js setting those environment variable :

$ DB_HOST=localhost DB_USER=test DB_PASSWORD=secretPasswrd node my-app.js

Another solution is using dotenv package. Dotenv loads environment variables from .env files into the process.env variable in Node.js :

$ npm install dotenv

then configure dotenv to load all .env files


const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
 host: process.env.DB_HOST,
 user: process.env.DB_USER,
 password: process.env.DB_PWD

with a .env file containing


.env files must NOT be pushed into repository, using .gitignore

Alternatively, node.js 20.0 introduced the experimental feature of using the node --env-file=.env syntax to load environment variables without the need for external dependencies. WE can then simply write

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
 host: process.env.DB_HOST,
 user: process.env.DB_USER,
 password: process.env.DB_PWD

Assuming the presence of the same .env file as previously described.

Default options consideration

For new project, enabling option supportBigInt is recommended (It will be in a future 3.x version).

This option permits to avoid exact value for big integer (value > 2^53) (see javascript ES2020 BigInt )

Promise API





Base API

createConnection(options) → Promise

Returns a promise that :

Creates a new Connection object.


try {
  const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
    host: '',
    user: 'myUser',
    password: 'myPwd'
  console.log("connected ! connection id is " + conn.threadId);
} catch (err) {
  console.log("not connected due to error: " + err);

Connection options

Essential options list:

option description type default
user User to access database. string
password User password. string
host IP address or DNS of the database server. Not used when using option socketPath. string "localhost"
port Database server port number. Not used when using option socketPath integer 3306
ssl Enables TLS support. For more information, see the ssl option documentation. mixed
database Default database to use when establishing the connection. string
socketPath Permits connections to the database through the Unix domain socket or named pipe. string
compress Compresses the exchange with the database through gzip. This permits better performance when the database is not in the same location. boolean false
connectTimeout Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds. integer 1 000
socketTimeout Sets the socket timeout in milliseconds after connection succeeds. A value of 0 disables the timeout. integer 0
queryTimeout Set maximum query time in ms (an error will be thrown if limit is reached). 0 or undefined meaning no timeout. This can be superseded for a query using timeout option int 0
rowsAsArray Returns result-sets as arrays, rather than JSON. This is a faster way to get results. For more information, see Query. boolean false
logger Configure logger. For more information, see the logger option documentation. mixed

For more information, see the Connection Options documentation.

Connecting to Local Databases

When working with a local database (that is, cases where MariaDB and your Node.js application run on the same host), you can connect to MariaDB through the Unix socket or Windows named pipe for better performance, rather than using the TCP/IP layer.

In order to set this up, you need to assign the connection a socketPath value. When this is done, the Connector ignores the host and port options.

The specific socket path you need to set is defined by the socket server system variable. If you don't know it off hand, you can retrieve it from the server.


It defaults to /tmp/mysql.sock on Unix-like operating systems and MySQL on Windows. Additionally, on Windows, this feature only works when the server is started with the --enable-named-pipe option.

For instance, on Unix a connection might look like this:

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({ 
    socketPath: '/tmp/mysql.sock', 
    user: 'root' 

It has a similar syntax on Windows:

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({ 
    socketPath: '\\\\.\\pipe\\MySQL', 
    user: 'root' 

createPool(options) → Pool

Returns a Pool object,

Creates a new pool.


const pool = mariadb.createPool({ 
    host: '', 
    user: 'myUser', 
    connectionLimit: 5 

let conn;
try {
    conn = await pool.getConnection();
    console.log('connected ! connection id is ' + conn.threadId);
    conn.release(); //release to pool
} catch (err) {
    console.log('not connected due to error: ' + err);

Pool options

Pool options includes connection option documentation that will be used when creating new connections.

Specific options for pools are :

option description type default
acquireTimeout Timeout to get a new connection from pool. In order to have connection error information, must be higher than connectTimeout. In milliseconds. integer 10000
connectionLimit Maximum number of connection in pool. integer 10
idleTimeout Indicate idle time after which a pool connection is released. Value must be lower than @@wait_timeout. In seconds. 0 means never release. integer 1800
initializationTimeout Pool will retry creating connection in loop, emitting 'error' event when reaching this timeout. In milliseconds. integer acquireTimeout value
minimumIdle Permit to set a minimum number of connection in pool. Recommendation is to use fixed pool, so not setting this value. integer set to connectionLimit value
minDelayValidation When asking a connection to pool, the pool will validate the connection state. "minDelayValidation" permits disabling this validation if the connection has been borrowed recently avoiding useless verifications in case of frequent reuse of connections. In milliseconds. 0 means validation is done each time the connection is asked. integer 500
noControlAfterUse After giving back connection to pool (connection.end) connector will reset or rollback connection to ensure a valid state. This option permit to disable those controls boolean false
resetAfterUse When a connection is given back to pool, reset the connection if the server allows it (only for MariaDB version >= 10.2.22 /10.3.13). If disabled or server version doesn't allows reset, pool will only rollback open transaction if any boolean true before version 3, false since
leakDetectionTimeout Permit to indicate a timeout to log connection borrowed from pool. When a connection is borrowed from pool and this timeout is reached, a message will be logged to console indicating a possible connection leak. Another message will tell if the possible logged leak has been released. In milliseconds. 0 means leak detection is disabled. integer 0
pingTimeout Validation timeout (ping) for checking an connection not used recently from pool. In milliseconds. integer 500

createPoolCluster(options) → PoolCluster

Returns a PoolCluster object,

Creates a new pool cluster. Cluster handle multiple pools, giving high availability / distributing load (using round robin / random / ordered ).


const cluster = mariadb.createPoolCluster();
cluster.add('master', { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add('slave1', { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add('slave2', { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });

//getting a connection from slave1 or slave2 using round-robin
const conn = await cluster.getConnection(/slave*/, "RR");
try {
  const rows = await conn.query("SELECT 1");
  return rows[0]["1"];
} finally {

PoolCluster options

Pool cluster options includes pool option documentation that will be used when creating new pools.

Specific options for pool cluster are :

option description type default
canRetry When getting a connection from pool fails, can cluster retry with other pools boolean true
removeNodeErrorCount Maximum number of consecutive connection fail from a pool before pool is removed from cluster configuration. Infinity means node won't be removed. Default to Infinity since 3.0, was 5 before integer Infinity
restoreNodeTimeout delay before a pool can be reused after a connection fails. 0 = can be reused immediately (in ms) integer 1000
defaultSelector default pools selector. Can be 'RR' (round-robin), 'RANDOM' or 'ORDER' (use in sequence = always use first pools unless fails) string 'RR'

importFile(options) → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with an empty result,
  • raises an Error.

Import an sql file


try {
    await mariadb.importFile({ host: 'localhost', user: 'root', file: '/tmp/tools/data-dump.sql'});
} catch (e) {
    // ...

version → String

Returns a String that is library version. example '2.1.2'.

defaultOptions(options) → Json

Returns a JSON value containing options default value.

permit listing default option that will be used.

console.log(mariadb.defaultOptions({ timezone: '+00:00' }));
   host: 'localhost',
   port: 3306,
   user: 'root',
   password: undefined,
   database: undefined,
   collation: Collation { index: 224, name: 'UTF8MB4_UNICODE_CI', charset: 'utf8' },
   timezone: '+00:00',

Connection API

connection.query(sql[, values]) -> Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string or JSON object to supersede default connection options. When using JSON object, object must have a "sql" key. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array | object Placeholder values. Usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as is.

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object for update/insert/delete or a result-set object for result-set.
  • rejects with an Error.

Sends a query to database and return result as a Promise.

For instance, when using an SQL string:

const rows = await conn.query('SELECT NOW()');
console.log(rows); //[ { 'NOW()': 2018-07-02T17:06:38.000Z } ]

Alternatively, you could use the JSON object:

const rows = await conn.query({
    dateStrings: true, 
    sql: 'SELECT NOW()'
console.log(rows); //[ { 'NOW()': '2018-07-02 19:06:38' } ]


To prevent SQL Injection attacks, queries permit the use of question marks as placeholders. The Connection escapes values according to their type. Values can be of native JavaScript types, Buffers, Readables, objects with toSQLString methods, or objects that can be stringified (that is, JSON.stringify).

When streaming, objects that implement Readable are streamed automatically. But, there are two server system variables that may interfere:

  • net_read_timeout: The server must receive queries before reaching this timeout, which defaults to 30 seconds.
  • max_allowed_packet: This system variable defines the maximum amount of data the Connector can send to the server.

For instance,

const res = await connection.query("INSERT INTO someTable VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [
  Buffer.from("c327a97374", "hex"),
//will send INSERT INTO someTable VALUES (1, _BINARY '.\'.st', 'mariadb')

In the case of streaming,

const https = require('https');
//3Mb page
    readableStream => conn.query('INSERT INTO StreamingContent (b) VALUE (?)', [readableStream])

JSON Result-sets

Queries return two different kinds of results, depending on the type of query you execute. When you execute write statements, (such as INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE), the method returns a JSON object with the following properties:

  • affectedRows: An integer listing the number of affected rows.
  • insertId: An integer noting the auto-increment ID. In case multiple rows have been inserted, this corresponds to the FIRST auto-increment value.
  • warningStatus: An integer indicating whether the query ended with a warning.
await connection.query('CREATE TABLE animals (' +
                       'id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,' +
                       'name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,' +
                       'PRIMARY KEY (id))');
const res = await connection.query('INSERT INTO animals(name) value (?)', ['sea lions']);
//res : { affectedRows: 1, insertId: 1, warningStatus: 0 }

Array Result-sets

When the query executes a SELECT statement, the method returns the result-set as an array. Each value in the array is a returned row as a JSON object. Additionally, the method returns a special non-enumerable property meta containing metadata array that contains the column metadata information.

The rows default to JSON objects, but two other formats are also possible with the nestTables and rowsAsArray options.

const res = await connection.query('select * from animals');
// res : [
//    { id: 1, name: 'sea lions' }, 
//    { id: 2, name: 'bird' }, 
// ]
const meta = res.meta;
//    meta: [ ... ]

Query options

Those options can be set on the query level, but are usually set at the connection level, and will then apply to all queries.


number, timeout in ms

This option is only permitted for MariaDB server >= 10.1.2.

This set a timeout to query operation. Driver internally use SET STATEMENT max_statement_time=<timeout> FOR <command> permitting to cancel operation when timeout is reached,

limitation: when use for multiple-queries (option multipleStatements set), only the first query will be timeout !!!

Implementation of max_statement_time is engine dependent, so there might be some differences: For example, with Galera engine, a commits will ensure replication to other nodes to be done, possibly then exceeded timeout, to ensure proper server state.

try {
    //query that takes more than 20s
    await connection.query({
        sql: 'information_schema.tables, information_schema.tables as t2', 
        timeout: 100 
} catch (err) {
  // error is:
  // SqlError: (conn:2987, no: 1969, SQLState: 70100) Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded)
  // sql: select * from information_schema.columns as c1, information_schema.tables, information_schema.tables as t2 - parameters:[]
  // at Object.module.exports.createError (C:\projets\mariadb-connector-nodejs.git\lib\misc\errors.js:55:10)
  // at PacketNodeEncoded.readError (C:\projets\mariadb-connector-nodejs.git\lib\io\packet.js:510:19)
  // at Query.readResponsePacket (C:\projets\mariadb-connector-nodejs.git\lib\cmd\parser.js:46:28)
  // at PacketInputStream.receivePacketBasic (C:\projets\mariadb-connector-nodejs.git\lib\io\packet-input-stream.js:104:9)
  // at PacketInputStream.onData (C:\projets\mariadb-connector-nodejs.git\lib\io\packet-input-stream.js:160:20)
  // at Socket.emit (events.js:210:5)
  // at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:309:12)
  // at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:290:11)
  // at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:224:10)
  // at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:182:23) {
  //     fatal: true,
  //         errno: 1969,
  //         sqlState: '70100',
  //         code: 'ER_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT'
  // }


boolean, default false

While the recommended method is to use the question mark placeholder, you can alternatively allow named placeholders by setting this query option. Values given in the query must contain keys corresponding to the placeholder names.

await connection.query(
	{ namedPlaceholders: true, sql: 'INSERT INTO someTable VALUES (:id, :img, :db)' },
	{ id: 1, img: Buffer.from('c327a97374', 'hex'), db: 'mariadb' }


boolean, default false

Using this option causes the Connector to format rows in the result-set as arrays, rather than JSON objects. Doing so allows you to save memory and avoid having the Connector parse column metadata completely. It is the fastest row format, (by 5-10%), with a local database.

Default format : { id: 1, name: 'sea lions' } with option rowsAsArray : [ 1, 'sea lions' ]

const res = await connection.query({ rowsAsArray: true, sql: 'select * from animals' });
// res = [ 
//    [ 1, 'sea lions' ], 
//    [ 2, 'bird' ],
// ]
const meta = res.meta;
//    meta: [...]


boolean, default false

Compatibility option, causes Promise to return an array object, [rows, metadata] rather than the rows as JSON objects with a meta property. This option is mainly for mysql2 compatibility.

const [rows, meta] = await connection.query({ metaAsArray: true, sql: 'select * from animals' });
// rows = [ 
//    {'id': 1, 'name': 'sea lions' }, 
//    {'id': 2, 'name': 'bird' },
// ]
// meta = [...]


boolean / string, default false

Occasionally, you may have issue with queries that return columns with the same name. The standard JSON format does not permit key duplication. To get around this, you can set the nestTables option to true. This causes the Connector to group data by table. When using string parameters, it prefixes the JSON field name with the table name and the nestTables value.

For instance, when using a boolean value:

const res = await connection.query({
    sql:'select,, from animals a, animals b where'
// res = [ 
//  { 
//     a: { name: 'sea lions', id: 1 }, 
//     b: { name: 'sea lions' } 
//  },
//  { 
//     a: { name: 'bird', id: 2 }, 
//     b: { name: 'sea lions' } 
//  }
const meta = res.meta;
//    meta: [...]

Alternatively, using a string value:

const res = await connection.query({
    nestTables: '_', 
    sql:'select,, from animals a, animals b where'
// res = [ 
//  { a_name: 'sea lions', a_id: 1, b_name: 'sea lions' }, 
//  { a_name: 'bird', a_id: 2, b_name: 'sea lions' }


boolean, default: false

Whether you want the Connector to retrieve date values as strings, rather than Date objects.


boolean, default: true

Whether the query should return javascript ES2020 BigInt for BIGINT data type. This ensures having expected value even for value > 2^53 (see safe range). This option can be set to query level, supplanting connection option supportBigInt value.

this option is for compatibility for driver version < 3

await shareConn.query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bigIntTable(id BIGINT)');
await shareConn.query("INSERT INTO bigIntTable value ('9007199254740993')");
const res = await shareConn.query('select * from bigIntTable');
// res :  [{ id: 9007199254740993n }] (exact value)
const res2 = await shareConn.query({sql: 'select * from bigIntTable', supportBigInt: false});
// res :  [{ id: 9007199254740992 }] (not exact value)


boolean, default: false

Whether the query should return decimal as Number. If enable, this might return approximate values.



function(column, next)

In the event that you need certain values returned as a different type, you can use this function to cast the value into that type yourself.

For instance, casting all TINYINT(1) values as boolean values:

const tinyToBoolean = (column, next) => {
  if (column.type == 'TINY' && column.columnLength === 1) {
    const val = column.tiny();
    return val === null ? null : val === 1;
  return next();
connection.query({ typeCast: tinyToBoolean, sql: '...' });

Column Metadata

  • collation: Object indicates the column collation. It has the properties: index, name, encoding, and maxlen. For instance, 33, "UTF8_GENERAL_CI", "utf8", 3
  • columnLength: Shows the column's maximum length if there's a limit and 0 if there is no limit, (such as with a BLOB column).
  • type: Shows the column type as a String value. For more information on the relevant values, see field-type.js
  • columnType: Shows the column type as an integer value. For more information on the relevant values, see field-type.js
  • scale: Provides the decimal part length.
  • flags: Shows the byte-encoded flags. For more information, see field-detail.js.
  • db(): Name of the database schema. You can also retrieve this using schema().
  • table(): Table alias.
  • orgTable(): Real table name.
  • name(): Column alias.
  • orgName(): Real column name.

When using typeCast, additional function are available on Column, in order to decode value :

const rows = await connection.query("SELECT 1, 'a'");
// rows = [ 
//   { '1': 1, a: 'a' }
// ]
const meta = rows.meta;
//   meta: [ 
//     { 
//       collation: [Object],
//       columnLength: 1,
//       columnType: 8,
//       scale: 0,
//       type: 'LONGLONG',
//       flags: 129,
//       db: [Function],
//       schema: [Function],
//       table: [Function],
//       orgTable: [Function],
//       name: [Function],
//       orgName: [Function] 
//     },
//     { 
//       collation: [Object],
//       columnLength: 4,
//       columnType: 253,
//       scale: 39,
//       type: 'VAR_STRING',
//       flags: 1,
//       db: [Function],
//       schema: [Function],
//       table: [Function],
//       orgTable: [Function],
//       name: [Function],
//       orgName: [Function] 
//     } 
//   ] 

connection.queryStream(sql[, values]) → Emitter

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string value or JSON object to supersede default connections options. JSON objects must have an "sql" property. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array | object Defines placeholder values. This is usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as a string.

Returns an Emitter object that emits different types of events:

  • error : Emits an Error object when the query fails. (No "end" event will then be emitted).
  • fields : Emits when column metadata from the result-set are received (the parameter is an array of Metadata fields).
  • data : Emits each time a row is received (parameter is a row).
  • end : Emits when the query ends (no parameter). a method: close() : permits closing stream (since 3.0)

When using the query() method, documented above, the Connector returns the entire result-set with all its data in a single call. While this is fine for queries that return small result-sets, it can grow unmanageable in cases of huge result-sets. Instead of retrieving all of the data into memory, you can use the queryStream() method, which uses the event drive architecture to process rows one by one, which allows you to avoid putting too much strain on memory.

Query times and result handlers take the same amount of time, but you may want to consider updating the net_read_timeout server system variable. The query must be totally received before this timeout, which defaults to 30 seconds.

!! Warning !! Querystream handle backpressure, meaning that if data handling takes some amount of time, socket is pause to avoid having node socket buffer growing indefinitely. When using pipeline, if data handling throws an error, user must explicilty close queryStream to ensure not having connection hangs.

There is different methods to implement streaming:

  • for-await-of

simple use with for-await-of only available since Node.js 10 (note that this must be use within async function) :

async function streamingFunction() {
 const queryStream = connection.queryStream('SELECT * FROM mysql.user');
 try {
   for await (const row of queryStream) {
 } catch (e) {
  • Events
connection.queryStream('SELECT * FROM mysql.user')
      .on("error", err => {
        console.log(err); //if error
      .on("fields", meta => {
        console.log(meta); // [ ...]
      .on("data", row => {
      .on("end", () => {
  • streams

Note that queryStream produced Object data, so Transform/Writable implementation must be created with objectMode set to true.

(example use stream.pipeline only available since Node.js 10)

const stream = require('stream');
const fs = require('fs');

//...create connection...

const someWriterStream = fs.createWriteStream('./someFile.txt');

const transformStream = new stream.Transform({
  objectMode: true,
  transform: function transformer(chunk, encoding, callback) {
    callback(null, JSON.stringify(chunk));

const queryStream = connection.queryStream('SELECT * FROM mysql.user');

stream.pipeline(queryStream, transformStream, someWriterStream, (err) => { queryStream.close(); });

connection.prepare(sql) → Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string value or JSON object to supersede default connections options. JSON objects must have an "sql" property. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }

Returns a promise that :

This permit to PREPARE a command that permits to be executed many times. After use, prepare.close() method MUST be call, in order to properly close object.

Prepare object

Public variables :

  • id: Prepare statement Identifier
  • query: sql command
  • database: database it applies to.
  • parameters: parameter array information.
  • columns: columns array information.

Public methods :

execute(values) → Promise

  • values: array | object Defines placeholder values. This is usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as a string.

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object for update/insert/delete or a result-set object for result-set.
  • rejects with an Error.

executeStream(values) → Promise

  • values: array | object Defines placeholder values. This is usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as a string.

Returns an Emitter object that emits different types of events:

  • error : Emits an Error object when the query fails. (No "end" event will then be emitted).
  • data : Emits each time a row is received (parameter is a row).
  • end : Emits when the query ends (no parameter). a method: close() : permits closing stream (since 3.0)

This is the equivalent of queryStream using execute.

When using the execute() method, documented above, the Connector returns the entire result-set with all its data in a single call. While this is fine for queries that return small result-sets, it can grow unmanageable in cases of huge result-sets. Instead of retrieving all the data into memory, you can use the executeStream() method, which uses the event drive architecture to process rows one by one, which allows you to avoid putting too much strain on memory.

You may want to consider updating the net_read_timeout server system variable. The resultSet must be totally received before this timeout, which defaults to 30 seconds.

  • for-await-of

simple use with for-await-of only available since Node.js 10 (note that this must be use within async function) :

async function streamingFunction() {
  const prepare = await shareConn.prepare('SELECT * FROM mysql.user where host = ?');
  const stream = prepare.executeStream(['localhost']);    
  try {
    for await (const row of stream) {
  } catch (e) {
  • Events
  const prepare = await shareConn.prepare('SELECT * FROM mysql.user where host = ?');
      .on("error", err => {
        console.log(err); //if error
      .on("fields", meta => {
        console.log(meta); // [ ...]
      .on("data", row => {
      .on("end", () => {

close() → void

This close the prepared statement. Each time a Prepared object is used, it must be closed.

In case prepare cache is enabled (having option prepareCacheLength > 0 (default)), Driver will either really close Prepare or keep it in cache.

const prepare = await conn.prepare('INSERT INTO mytable(id,val) VALUES (?,?)');
await prepare.execute([1, 'val1'])

connection.execute(sql[, values]) → Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string or JSON object to supersede default connection options. When using JSON object, object must have a "sql" key. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array | object Placeholder values. Usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as is.

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object for update/insert/delete or a result-set object for result-set.
  • rejects with an Error.

This is quite similar to connection.query(sql[, values]) → Promise method, with a few differences : Execute will in fact PREPARE + EXECUTE + CLOSE command.

It makes sense to use this only if the command will often be used and if prepare cache is enabled (default). If PREPARE result is already in cache, only EXECUTE command is executed. MariaDB server 10.6 even avoid resending result-set metadata if not changed since, permitting even faster results.

const res = await conn.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE someVal = ? and otherVal = ?', [1, 'val1']);

connection.batch(sql, values) → Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string value or JSON object to supersede default connections options. JSON objects must have an "sql" property. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array Array of parameter (array of array or array of object if using named placeholders).

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object.
  • rejects with an Error.

Implementation depend of server type and version. for MariaDB server version 10.2.7+, implementation use dedicated bulk protocol.

For other, insert queries will be rewritten for optimization. example: insert into ab (i) values (?) with first batch values = 1, second = 2 will be rewritten insert into ab (i) values (1), (2).

If query cannot be re-writen will execute a query for each values.

result difference compared to execute multiple single query insert is that only first generated insert id will be returned.

For instance,

    'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE batchExample(id int, id2 int, id3 int, t varchar(128), id4 int)'
const res = await connection.batch('INSERT INTO `batchExample` values (1, ?, 2, ?, 3)', [
    [1, 'john'],
    [2, 'jack']
console.log(res.affectedRows); // 2

connection.beginTransaction() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Begins a new transaction.

connection.commit() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Commits the current transaction, if there is one active. The Connector tracks the current transaction state on the server. In the event that you issue the commit() method when there's no active transaction, it ignores the method and sends no commands to MariaDB.

connection.release() → Promise

When connection comes from pool only connection.release() is an async method returning an empty promise success. This function will never throw an error. default behavior is that if there is a transaction still open, a rollback command will be issued, and connection will be release to pool.

2 options might interfere:

  • resetAfterUse when set, connection will completely be reset like a fresh connection
  • noControlAfterUse when set, no control (rollback or reset) will be done on release
const conn = await pool.getConnection();
try {
  await conn.beginTransaction();
  await conn.query("INSERT INTO testTransaction values ('test')");
  await conn.query("INSERT INTO testTransaction values ('test2')");
  await conn.commit();
} finally {

connection.rollback() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Rolls back the current transaction, if there is one active. The Connector tracks the current transaction state on the server. In the event that you issue the rollback() method when there's no active transaction, it ignores the method and sends no commands to MariaDB.

try {
  await conn.beginTransaction();
  await conn.query("INSERT INTO testTransaction values ('test')");
  await conn.query("INSERT INTO testTransaction values ('test2')");
  await conn.commit();
} catch(err) {
  await conn.rollback();

connection.changeUser(options) → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves without result
  • rejects with an Error.

Resets the connection and re-authorizes it using the given credentials. It is the equivalent of creating a new connection with a new user, reusing the open socket.

try {
    await conn.changeUser({
        user: 'changeUser', 
        password: 'mypassword'
    //connection user is now changed. 
} catch (e) {
  // ...  
} → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Sends a packet to the database containing one byte to check that the connection is still active.
  .then(() => {
    //connection is valid
  .catch(err => {
    //connection is closed

connection.reset() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

reset the connection. Reset will:

  • rollback any open transaction
  • reset transaction isolation level
  • reset session variables
  • delete user variables
  • remove temporary tables
  • remove all PREPARE statement

This command is only available for MariaDB >=10.2.4 or MySQL >= 5.7.3. function will be rejected with error "Reset command not permitted for server XXX" if version doesn't permit reset.

For previous MariaDB version, reset connection can be done using connection.changeUser(options) → Promise that do the same + redo authentication phase.

connection.isValid() → boolean

Returns a boolean

Indicates the connection state as the Connector knows it. If it returns false, there is an issue with the connection, such as the socket disconnected without the Connector knowing about it.

connection.end() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Closes the connection gracefully, after waiting for any currently executing queries to finish.

  .then(() => {
    //connection has ended properly
  .catch(err => {
    //connection was closed but not due of current end command


Closes the connection without waiting for any currently executing queries. These queries are interrupted. MariaDB logs the event as an unexpected socket close.

try {
    // long query > 20s
        'select * from information_schema.columns as c1, information_schema.tables, information_schema.tables as t2'
    conn.destroy(); //will immediately close the connection, before previous command end (no `await` in previous command)
} catch (err) {
    //Error: Connection destroyed, command was killed
    //    ...
    //  fatal: true,
    //  errno: 45004,
    //  sqlState: '08S01',

connection.escape(value) → String

This function permit to escape a parameter properly according to parameter type to avoid injection. See mariadb String literals for escaping.

Escaping has some limitation :

  • doesn't permit Stream parameters
  • this is less efficient compare to using standard conn.query(), that will stream data to socket, avoiding string concatenation and using memory unnecessary

escape per type:

  • boolean: explicit true or false
  • number: string representation. ex: 123 => '123'
  • Date: String representation using YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS format
  • Buffer: _binary''
  • object with toSqlString function: String escaped result of toSqlString
  • Array: list of escaped value. ex: [true, "o'o"] => ('true', 'o\'o')
  • geoJson: MariaDB transformation to corresponding geotype. ex: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [20, 10] } => "ST_PointFromText('POINT(20 10)')"
  • JSON: Stringification of JSON, or if permitSetMultiParamEntries is enable, key escaped as identifier + value
  • String: escaped value, (\u0000, ', ", \b, \n, \r, \t, \u001A, and \ characters are escaped with '')

Escape is done for sql_mode value without NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES that disable \ escaping (default);
Escaping API are meant to prevent SQL injection. However, privilege the use of connection.query(sql[, values]) → Promise and avoid building the command manually.

const myColVar = "let'go";
const myTable = 'table:a'
const cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ' + conn.escapeId(myTable) + ' where myCol = ' + conn.escape(myColVar);
//or using template literals
const cmd2 = `SELECT * FROM ${conn.escapeId(myTable)} where myCol = ${conn.escape(myColVar)}`;
// cmd = cmd2 = "SELECT * FROM `table:a` where myCol = 'let\\'s go'"

connection.escapeId(value) → String

This function permit to escape a Identifier properly . See Identifier Names for escaping. Value will be enclosed by '`' character if content doesn't satisfy:

  • ASCII: [0-9,a-z,A-Z$_] (numerals 0-9, basic Latin letters, both lowercase and uppercase, dollar sign, underscore)
  • Extended: U+0080 .. U+FFFF and escaping '`' character if needed.
const myColVar = "let'go";
const myTable = "table:a"
const cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ' + conn.escapeId(myTable) + ' where myCol = ' + conn.escape(myColVar);
// cmd value will be:
// "SELECT * FROM `table:a` where myCol = 'let\\'s go'"

// using template literals:
const res = await con.query(`SELECT * FROM ${con.escapeId(myTable)} where myCol = ?`, [myColVar]); 


Pauses data reads.


Resumes data reads from a pause.


Returns a string

Retrieves the version of the currently connected server. Throws an error when not connected to a server.

  console.log(connection.serverVersion()); //10.2.14-MariaDB

connection.importFile(options) → Promise

  • options JSON: ** file: file path (mandatory) ** database: database if different that current connection database (optional)

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves without result
  • rejects with an Error.

Import sql file. If database is set, database will be use, then after file import, database will be reverted

try {
    await conn.importFile({
        file: '/tmp/someFile.sql', 
        database: 'myDb'
} catch (e) {
  // ...  


When the Connector encounters an error, Promise returns an Error object. In addition to the standard properties, this object has the following properties:

  • fatal: A boolean value indicating whether the connection remains valid.
  • errno: The error number.
  • sqlState: The SQL state code.
  • code: The error code.

Example on console.log(error):

{ Error: (conn:116, no: 1146, SQLState: 42S02) Table 'testn.falsetable' doesn't exist
  sql: INSERT INTO falseTable(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  - parameters:[1,0x01ff,'hh','01/01/2001 00:00:00.000',null]
      at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:134:10)
      at TCP.onread (net.js:559:20)
    From event:
      at C:\mariadb-connector-nodejs\lib\connection.js:185:29
      at Connection.query (C:\mariadb-connector-nodejs\lib\connection.js:183:12)
      at Context.<anonymous> (C:\mariadb-connector-nodejs\test\integration\test-error.js:250:8)
    fatal: false,
    errno: 1146,
    sqlState: '42S02',
    code: 'ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE' } }

Errors contain an error stack, query and parameter values (the length of which is limited to 1,024 characters, by default). To retrieve the initial stack trace (shown as From event... in the example above), you must have the Connection option trace enabled.

For more information on error numbers and SQL state signification, see the MariaDB Error Code documentation.


Connection object that inherits from the Node.js EventEmitter. Emits an error event when the connection closes unexpectedly.

const conn = await mariadb.createConnection({
    user: 'root', 
    password: 'myPwd', 
    host: 'localhost', 
    socketTimeout: 100

conn.on('error', err => {
  //will be executed after 100ms due to inactivity, socket has closed. 
  //log : 
  //{ Error: (conn:6283, no: 45026, SQLState: 08S01) socket timeout
  //    ...
  //    at Socket.emit (events.js:208:7)
  //    at Socket._onTimeout (net.js:410:8)
  //    at ontimeout (timers.js:498:11)
  //    at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:323:5)
  //    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:290:5)
  //  fatal: true,
  //  errno: 45026,
  //  sqlState: '08S01',
  //  code: 'ER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT' }

Pool API

Each time a connection is asked, if the pool contains a connection that is not used, the pool will validate the connection, exchanging an empty MySQL packet with the server to ensure the connection state, then give the connection. The pool reuses connection intensively, so this validation is done only if a connection has not been used for a period (specified by the "minDelayValidation" option with the default value of 500ms).

If no connection is available, the request for a connection will be put in a queue until connection timeout. When a connection is available (new creation or released to the pool), it will be used to satisfy queued requests in FIFO order.

When a connection is given back to the pool, any remaining transactions will be rolled back.

pool.getConnection() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

Creates a new Connection object with an additional release method. Calling connection.release() will give back connection to pool.

connection.release() is an async method returning an empty promise success

Connection must be given back to pool using this connection.release() method.


const pool = mariadb.createPool({ 
    host: '', 

let conn;
try {
    conn = await pool.getConnection();
    console.log("connected ! connection id is " + conn.threadId);
    await conn.release(); //release to pool
} catch (err) {
    console.log("not connected due to error: " + err);

pool.query(sql[, values]) -> Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string or JSON object to supersede default connection options. When using JSON object, object must have an "sql" key. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array | object Placeholder values. Usually an array, but in cases of only one placeholder, it can be given as is.

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object for update/insert/delete or a result-set object for result-set.
  • rejects with an Error.

This is a shortcut to get a connection from pool, execute a query and release connection.

const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const pool = mariadb.createPool({ host: '', user:'myUser' });
   .query("SELECT NOW()")
   .then(rows => {
    console.log(rows); //[ { 'NOW()': 2018-07-02T17:06:38.000Z } ]
   .catch(err => {
    //handle error

pool.batch(sql, values) -> Promise

  • sql: string | JSON SQL string or JSON object to supersede default connection options. When using JSON object, object must have an "sql" key. For instance, { dateStrings: true, sql: 'SELECT now()' }
  • values: array array of Placeholder values. Usually an array of array, but in cases of only one placeholder per value, it can be given as a single array.

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves with a JSON object.
  • rejects with an Error.

This is a shortcut to get a connection from pool, execute a batch and release connection.

const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const pool = mariadb.createPool({ host: '', user:'myUser' });
  "CREATE TABLE parse(autoId int not null primary key auto_increment, c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 varchar(128), c5 int)"
let res = await pool.batch(
    "INSERT INTO `parse`(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) values (1, ?, 2, ?, 3)", 
    [[1, "john"], [2, "jack"]]
//res = { affectedRows: 2, insertId: 1, warningStatus: 0 }

assert.equal(res.affectedRows, 2);
res = await pool.query("select * from `parse`");
res = [ 
    { autoId: 1, c1: 1, c2: 1, c3: 2, c4: 'john', c5: 3 },
    { autoId: 2, c1: 1, c2: 2, c3: 2, c4: 'jack', c5: 3 },

pool.end() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Closes the pool and underlying connections gracefully if possible, remaining active request after 10s will be killed.

  .then(() => {
    //connections have been ended properly
  .catch(err => console.log);

pool.escape(value) → String

This is an alias for connection.escape(value) → String to escape parameters

pool.escapeId(value) → String

This is an alias for connection.escapeId(value) → String to escape Identifier

pool.importFile(options) → Promise

  • options : ** file: file path (mandatory) ** database: database if different that current connection database (optional)

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves without result
  • rejects with an Error.

Import sql file. If database is set, database will be use, then after file import, database will be reverted

try {
    await pool.importFile({
        file: '/tmp/someFile.sql', 
        database: 'myDb'
} catch (e) {
  // ...  

Pool events

event description
acquire This event emits a connection is acquired from pool.
connection This event is emitted when a new connection is added to the pool. Has a connection object parameter
enqueue This event is emitted when a command cannot be satisfied immediately by the pool and is queued.
release This event is emitted when a connection is released back into the pool. Has a connection object parameter
error When pool fails to create new connection after reaching initializationTimeout timeout


pool.on('connection', (conn) => console.log(`connection ${conn.threadId} has been created in pool`));

Pool cluster API

Cluster handle multiple pools according to patterns and handle failover / distributed load (round robin / random / ordered ).

poolCluster.add(id, config)

  • id: string node identifier. example : 'master'
  • config: JSON pool options to create pool.

Add a new Pool to cluster.


const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const cluster = mariadb.createPoolCluster();
cluster.add("master", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave1", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave2", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });


  • pattern: string regex pattern to select pools. Example, "slave*"

remove and end pool(s) configured in cluster.

poolCluster.end() → Promise

Returns a promise that :

  • resolves (no argument)
  • rejects with an Error.

Closes the pool cluster and underlying pools.

  .then(() => {
    //pools have been ended properly
  .catch(err => console.log);

poolCluster.getConnection(pattern, selector) → Promise

  • pattern: string regex pattern to select pools. Example, "slave*". default '*'
  • selector: string pools selector. Can be 'RR' (round-robin), 'RANDOM' or 'ORDER' (use in sequence = always use first pools unless fails). default to the cluster option defaultSelector if set, 'RR' if not

Returns a promise that :

Creates a new Connection object. Connection must be given back to pool with the connection.end() method.


const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const cluster = mariadb.createPoolCluster();
cluster.add("master", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave1", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave2", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });

poolCluster events

PoolCluster object inherits from the Node.js EventEmitter. Emits 'remove' event when a node is removed from configuration if the option removeNodeErrorCount is defined (default to 5) and connector fails to connect more than removeNodeErrorCount times. (if other nodes are present, each attemps will wait for value of the option restoreNodeTimeout)

const mariadb = require('mariadb');
const cluster = mariadb.createPoolCluster({ removeNodeErrorCount: 20, restoreNodeTimeout: 5000 });
cluster.add("master", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave1", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave2", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.on('remove', node => {
  console.log(`node ${node} was removed`);

poolCluster.of(pattern, selector) → FilteredPoolCluster

  • pattern: string regex pattern to select pools. Example, "slave*". default '*'
  • selector: string pools selector. Can be 'RR' (round-robin), 'RANDOM' or 'ORDER' (use in sequence = always use first pools unless fails). default to the

Returns :

Creates a new filtered pool cluster object that is a subset of cluster.


const mariadb = require('mariadb');

const cluster = mariadb.createPoolCluster();
cluster.add("master-north", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("master-south", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave1-north", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave2-north", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });
cluster.add("slave1-south", { host: '', user: 'myUser', connectionLimit: 5 });

const masterCluster = cluster.of('master*');
const northSlaves = cluster.of(/^slave?-north/, 'RANDOM');

const conn = await northSlaves.getConnection();
// use that connection

filtered pool cluster

  • filteredPoolCluster.getConnection() → Promise : Creates a new connection from pools that corresponds to pattern .
  • filteredPoolCluster.query(sql[, values]) → Promise : this is a shortcut to get a connection from pools that corresponds to pattern, execute a query and release connection.

Stored procedure with output parameter

Output parameters can be retrieved with 2 differents ways:

Using simple query

solution is to define output parameters as user-defined variables and retrieving them afterwhile.

// begin set p2 = p1 * 2; end
await shareConn.query('call multiplyBy2(?,@myOutputValue)', [2]);
const res = await shareConn.query('SELECT @myOutputValue');
// res = [{ '@myOutputValue': 4n }]

Using execute

(only when using 3.x version or the driver) execute use another protocol that permits to return output parameters directly. (OUT parameters must have null value)

// begin set p2 = p1 * 2; end
const res = await shareConn.execute('call multiplyBy2(?, ?)', [2, null]);
// res = [
//   [ { p2: 4 }],
//   OkPacket { affectedRows: 0, insertId: 0n, warningStatus: 0 }
// ]