| Summary
| License
This is a course taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin.
This course will introduce you to the modern data science workflow with R. In recent years, data analysis skills have become essential for those pursuing careers in policy advocacy and evaluation, business consulting and management, or academic research in the fields of education, health, and social science. We will cover topics like version control (Git) and project management; data collection, wrangling, storage, and visualization; model fitting and simulation; advanced workflow issues, debugging, automation; and data science ethics. The course is intended for students with some experience in working with R.
The goals are to (1) equip you with conceptual knowledge about the data science pipeline and coding workflow, data structures, and data wrangling, (2) enable you to apply this knowledge with statistical software, and (3) prepare you for our other methods electives and the master’s thesis.
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
Many of the materials build on Grant McDermott's excellent course Data Science for Economists.