Workshop presentation by Kabir Sandrolini & Maren Rieker on analyzing temporal data in R using tsibble.
This repository provides materials for a session that is part of the I2DS Tools for Data Science workshop run at the Hertie School, Berlin in November 2021. The student-run workshop is part of the course Introduction to Data Science taught by Simon Munzert at the Hertie School, Berlin, in Fall 2021.
- Slides introducing and motivating tsibble
- Interactive exercise walking through the basics of cleaning, wrangling, and visualizing temporal data using tsibble.
- Understand when it is appropriate to use tsibble, and why it is a powerful upgrade over previous structures
- Manipulate a tibble/dataframe to tsibble
- Tidy your tsibble, checking for duplicates and gaps
- Perform basic visualizations with your fancy tidy tsibble
- Kabir Sandrolini, Hertie School MDS 2023
- Maren Rieker, Hertie School MDS 2023
- Intro to tsibble
- Introductory slides prepared by package author Earo Wang
- Detailed working paper explaining the uses and strengths of tsibble
- Detailed tsibble documentation
- Blog post by Earo Wang with applied example
- Intro to fable
The material in this repository is made available under the MIT license.
- Kabir worked mainly on the theoretical slides and lightning talk, contributing some of the visuals in the interactive session.
- Maren mainly designed the interactive session, finding the data, tidying it, and preparing the exercises.