Write a computer program that uses object-oriented programming concepts - inheritance, polymorphism, GUI programming - event-driven programming, layout managers.
This assignment stipulates the design of a system by the identification of the classes required and the relationships among them. You are required to demonstrate the ability to apply your knowledge on inheritance and polymorphism in your implementation of the solution. You also need to make use of ScalaFX GUI library to create a GUI Application.
Propose a standalone system such as the following:
- Calculator
- Scientific Calculator
- Library Management System
- Todo List
- Any Personal Games
- …
The proposed system should have least four use cases. For example, a Library Management System should have at least four following use cases:
- Check In
- Check Out
- Search Book
- View Book
This system should utilize object oriented programming concepts in designing and developing. You should propose additional classes or traits to achieve elegant design. You are required to design your own user interface for ease of use.