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Software Engineering at Google (Kindle)

This repository contains the book Software Engineering at Google to be read on a Kindle. Not the ideal result but it's something.

Note Maybe there is a way to tell pandoc to recursively read everything in a URL and convert it to an epub. If you know how to do it, contribute and claim your 🍺!


How I did it


  1. Go to

  2. I extracted the main links like parts, chapters, preface, conclusion, etc.

    ol = document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0];
    links = Array.from(ol.children).map((a) => a.children[0].href);
  3. Copied the links to a text file (links.txt). I did it by copying object in the Firefox console.

  4. This ends up being the input for wget, with which we download all the pages of the book with images, css, etc.

      # -p - get all the images needed to display the page
      # --convert-links - convert links to be relative
      wget -p --convert-links -i links.txt
      # At the end you should see something like this
      lsd --tree --depth=5
      │ ├── cdn-cgi -> You can delete this
      │ │   └── scripts
      │ │       └── 5c5dd728
      │ │           └── cloudflare-static
      │ └── resources
      │     └── swe-book
      │         └── html
      │             ├── ch01.html
      │             ├── chN.html
  5. Use pandoc to download the book index with the --embed-resources option so that the result is self-contained . Possibly it can be done with wget

Note Noted the index was a bit wrong so I copied it from the website (everything inside <nav>) and pasted into index.html.

docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc/latex -s -f html -t html --embed-resources -o index.html
  1. Moved the index.html file along with the chapters to /
  2. Using Calibre, I added a book, selected the index.html file and converted it to EPUB and from there to AZW3.


Software Engineering at Google for Kindle




