This package contains the yolo_trt_node that performs object detection with YOLOv3 using NVIDIA's TensorRT engine
- Jetson Xavier AGX
- ROS Melodic
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Jetpack 4.5.1
- TensorRT 7+
- OpenCV 4.2.0
- numpy 1.15.1
- Protobuf 3.8.0
- Pycuda 2019.1.2
- onnx 1.4.1 (depends on Protobuf)
Install pycuda (takes a while)
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/dependencies
$ ./
Install Protobuf (takes a while)
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/dependencies
$ ./
Install onnx (depends on Protobuf above)
$ sudo pip3 install onnx==1.4.1
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/plugins
$ make
This will generate a file.
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/yolo
** Please name the yolov3.weights and yolov3.cfg file as follows:
- yolov3-416.weights
- yolov3-416.cfg
Run the conversion script to convert to TensorRT engine file
$ ./convert_yolo_trt
- Input the appropriate arguments
- This conversion might take awhile
- The optimised TensorRT engine would now be saved as yolov3-416.trt / yolov3-416.trt
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/utils
$ vim
- Change the class labels to suit your model
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_ros/config
: change the camera topic names.yolov3_trt.launch
only subscribes to the front camera topic.yolov3_trt_batch.launch
subscribes to all 4 camera topics. -
: change resolution of cameras. If resolution unknown, enter2**26
: change parameters accordingly:- str model = 'yolov3' or 'yolov3_tiny'
- int input_shape = '288'/'416'/'608'
- int category_num = 8
- int batch_size = 1/4
- double confidence_threshold = 0.3
OPTIONAL: if running on rosbag
$ cd ${HOME}/catkin_ws/src/yolo_trt_node/launch
: change rosbag path
Note: Run the launch files separately in different terminals
# For YOLOv3 (single input)
$ roslaunch yolo_trt_ros yolov3_trt.launch
# For YOLOv3 batch (multiple input)
$ roslaunch yolo_trt_ros yolov3_trt_batch.launch
If using a rosbag, in a split terminal:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch yolo_trt_node rosbag.launch
sudo -H pip install -U jetson-stats
In a seperate terminal:
$ jtop
Press 5 to access the control tab of the Jetson:
- Increase fan speed by pressing 'p'. Reduce fan speed by pressing 'm'.
- Overclock GPU by pressing 's'.
- Select 'MAXN' mode by clicking on it.
These commands are found/referred in this repo
Please ensure the jetson device is cooled appropriately to prevent overheating
Model | Hardware | FPS | Inference Time (ms) |
yolov3-416 | Xavier AGX | 41.0 | 0.024 |
yolov3_tiny-416 | Xavier AGX | 102.6 | 0.0097 |
1. TensorRT samples from jkjung-avt
Many thanks for his project with tensorrt samples. I have referenced his source code and adapted it to ROS for robotics applications.
I also used the pycuda and protobuf installation script from his project
Those codes are under MIT License
2. yolo_trt_ros from indra4837
Many thanks to his work on creating most of what this package is built upon! The package is forked from his repository.
Those codes are under MIT License