- Install js deps
export UID; docker-compose -f docker-compose.grunt.yml run --rm grunt
- Run the app
docker-compose up
It will start the app on localhost:8080
- Create the database
docker-compose run --rm app ./manage.py syncdb --migrate --noinput
- Create the superuser
docker-compose run --rm app ./manage.py createsuperuser
The url to access the admin is http://localhost:8080/admin panel/
docker-compose run --rm app ./manage.py makemessages -l pt_BR -i node_modules -i staticfiles -i static/dist -i "**/doc"
docker-compose run --rm app ./manage.py makemessages -l pt_BR -d djangojs -i node_modules -i staticfiles -i static/dist -i "**/doc"
# Update the translations manually and compile the messages
docker-compose run --rm app ./manage.py compilemessages
# compile the less
docker-compose -f docker-compose.grunt.yml run --rm grunt grunt less
# compile the less
docker-compose -f docker-compose.grunt.yml run --rm grunt grunt build-webapp