- Export Data from an org
- Developers
- Proxies (latest version)
- Products
- Apps
- App Keys
- KVM (coming soon)
- Import Data to an org
- Developers
- Proxies (latest version) and deploy them
- Products
- Apps
- App Keys
- KVM (coming soon)
- Import Data from csv file to an org
- Developers
- Apps
- App Keys
- KVM (coming soon)
License - MIT
Download and Install node - http://nodejs.org/download/
Open a command prompt and install grunt using the command
npm install -g grunt-cli
Download the tool or git clone the repo.
Install the node dependencies
npm install
Edit the config.js file to suit your environment
module.exports = { from: { version: 'R22', url: 'http://mgmt-server’, userid: 'user-id’, passwd: 'your-password', org: 'your-org', env: 'your-env' }, to: { version: '14.0.7', url: 'http://mgmt-server’, userid: 'user-id’, passwd: 'your-password', org: 'your-org', env: 'your-env' } } ;
Run “grunt” to get all the grunt tasks.
- It is recommended to take a backup of both the system using the backup scripts provided with the opdk before running this tool.
- All exports tasks work on the “from” configurations in config.js and store the data in the “data” folder on your local system.
- All imports and delete tasks work on the “to” configurations in config.js.
- Deletes made using these scripts cannot be rollbacked. Please use delete commands with caution.
- To export all data type
The switch -v is for verbose mode. The following folder structure with data will be created in your current directory.
grunt exportAll -v
- To import Developers
grunt importDevs -v
You may want to redirect standard out to log files, so they can be reviewed later. It will import all the developers from the data/devs folder to the org specified in the to configuration in your config.js file.
- For imports run in the following sequence
"importProxies" -> "importDevs"-> "importProducts"-> "importApps"-> "importKeys"
By default the importDevs, importApps, importKeys imports all the entities from the respective data folder.
To import a specific entities you can pass an argument src as shown below.
grunt importApps -v --src=./data/apps/*/App*
The above command will import all apps starting with "App" irrespective of the developer the app belongs to. For more details on other globbing patterns supported please refer to [Globbing Pattern] (http://gruntjs.com/configuring-tasks#globbing-patterns)
- To import Developers or Apps from a csv file.
grunt readCSVDevs -v
The above command will read the input/devs.csv file and generate the developer json files in the data/devs folder. These developers can then be imported to your org using the importDevs command shown earlier. A sample devs.csv file is shown below.

This will create a corrosponding json in the data/devs/mqb2btools@watever.com as shown below.
You can also imports Apps from csv in a similar way. Take a look at the sample apps.csv in the input folder.