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Changing to Google Maps release key

kariscomp edited this page Apr 4, 2015 · 2 revisions


When it comes to releasing your app, you need to change the Google maps API key to the release Key otherwise you will get a blank map. These instructions apply to Cordova apps.

You can see the instructions on generating the release keys here on StackOverflow

After getting your Google maps release key you need to change it in the Android.json file in the plugins directory. If you don't change it there, your Android Manifest will keep being overwritten with the debug key you used to install the plugin.

If your manifest file keeps getting overwritten with the debug key, you can use this command to search for places your Google Maps debug key was stored.

grep -rnw 'directory' -e 'YOUR_GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY'

directory would be your current directory, './'

Good luck.

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