Api Rest with Symfony 6 + Hexagonal Architecture + DDD & CQRS & Event sourcing.
Execute docker-compose:
docker-compose up
Enter to the container:
docker exec -it php-app bash
Create .env.local configurate emails (EMAIL_ADMIN and EMAIL_FROM) and add this:
Execute composer install:
composer install
Execute this command:
bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
Run migrations:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Create a new user:
bin/console app:create-user user user@email.com 123456 true
In the browser execute http://localhost:8000
Configure exchange and queues in rabbitmq:
bin/console app:domain-events:rabbitmq:configure
Consume events of a queue, example:
bin/console app:domain-events:rabbitmq:consume app.magazine.post.post_projection_on_post_was_created_event_handler 200 // Dead lettter bin/console app:domain-events:rabbitmq:consume app.magazine.post.post_projection_on_post_was_created_event_handler 200 true
For production, generate supervisor consumer files configurations:
bin/console app:domain-events:rabbitmq:generate-supervisor-files
To check elasticsearch projections data: