Mapbender is a web based geoportal framework.
Official site | Live demo | News on Fosstodon
For detailed usage information, including installation and integration topics, please see official documentation (also available in German).
Mapbender requires PHP 8.1 up to 8.4, OpenSSL, curl, bzip2 decompression and the following php extensions:
- zip
- curl
- gd
- intl
- mbstring
- bz2
- xml
- sqlite3
- sodium
- ldap (if ldap extension is used)
bin/composer update
to ensure compatibility.
You may have to install and enable further extensions at your own discretion if you want to use specific database systems.
We also recommend installing an sqlite client so you can inspect the (default) sqlite database.
sudo apt-get install php php-cli openssl bzip2 \
php-curl php-gd php-intl php-mbstring \
php-zip php-bz2 php-xml \
php-sqlite3 php-pgsql php-mysql php-ldap \
sqlite3 curl
Some portions of Mapbender require correctly configured, writable PHP temporary directories
and upload_tmp_dir
Your system most likely has separate php.ini files for cli and web server SAPIs such as mod_php, php-fpm, fcgi etc. Make sure to make changes in all php.ini files relevant to your installation.
Git clone mapbender-starter via https or ssh (requires configured git credentials) at your preference:
git clone mapbender-starter
git clone mapbender-starter
Switch to project directory and run ./bootstrap
cd mapbender-starter
The bootstrap command performs the following required setup tasks for you:
- installs userland dependencies (via composer)
- creates a parameters.yaml by copying the bundled parameters.yml.dist
- creates a .env.local file by copying the bundled .env.local.dist
- performs the necessary database setup (as an sqlite file in
) - creates a root account with a default password
(which you should change later)
The full setup processes is only needed once. If you invoke it again, nothing of consequence will happen.
You can test your freshly bootstrapped Mapbender installation using symfony's development server. This is not production quality, and has some known issues processing external requests (such as in printing), but it allows some quick testing before you set up a production-grade web server.
To run the server you need to install the Symfony CLI first.
Then, the server is started like this:
cd application
symfony server:start --no-tls
The URL is shown in the output:
[OK] Web server listening
The Web server is using PHP CLI 8.2.10
Two environments are available:
shows full error messages including stack traces in the browser and enables the symfony debug console and profiler. Also, caching is
enables caching and shows only generic error messages. Error messages are written to logfiles.
The environment can be set via the APP_ENV environment variable. The default is dev
. Make sure to change this when deploying
your application in the internet. The value can be changed in several ways:
- by editing
in the.env
file - by overriding the value in a
file - by explicitly setting it when starting the local webserver:
APP_ENV=prod symfony server:start --no-tls
- by setting an environment variable in your Apache2 vHost configuration:
SetEnv APP_ENV prod
The index_dev.php
file allows direct access to the dev environment. It can only be accessed from local
ip addresses by default for security reasons.
From the application directory run:
bin/console fom:user:resetroot
Run this command to start a local Mapbender instance in a docker container using an internal SQLite database.
docker run -p 80:8080 mapbender/mapbender
If you want Mapbender to stay up and running in background add the -d
The container is accepting HTTP requests on port 8080
by default.
You can use environment variables to adjust the configuration of the Mapbender docker container.
Symfony app environment. (prod
Smtp server configuration. (smtp://
configure Mapbender to connect to another database as shown in the upcoming example. (find examples at
To run a Mapbender docker container configured to use an external database use the MAPBENDER_DATABASE_URL
environment variable.
Create the docker network
docker network create -d bridge mapbender
Start the PostGIS database
docker run --name db --network mapbender -p 55432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=pguser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpass -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres postgis/postgis:14-3.4
Start Mapbender
docker run --name mapbender --network mapbender -p 80:8080 -e MAPBENDER_DATABASE_URL="pgsql://pguser:pgpass@db:5432/postgres" mapbender/mapbender
Create Mapbender database schema
docker exec mapbender php application/bin/console doctrine:schema:create --force
Initialize Mapbender database
docker exec mapbender php application/bin/console mapbender:database:init -v
If the Mapbender container is configured to connect to an external database that does not have the required schema yet, the schema must be created first. Start our demo setup using the following command to start a Mapbender instance connected to an empty PostgreSQL database:
docker compose -f docker-compose.pgsql.yml up -d
You can initialize the database after the Mapbender container has started.
docker compose -f docker-compose.pgsql.yml exec mapbender php application/bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
And after that initialize the Mapbender database.
docker compose -f docker-compose.pgsql.yml exec mapbender php application/bin/console mapbender:database:init -v
Please report issues on Github.
Pre-packaged archives bundling all code dependencies are available at our download page.
Mapbender release line | PHP versions | Bundled Symfony version | Bundled composer version |
3.0.8 (end of life) | >=5.5, <=7.2 | 2.8LTS (end of life) | 1.6.x |
3.2 (end of life) | >=7.1, <=7.4 | 3.4LTS (end of life) | 1.10.x |
3.3 | >=7.4 | 4.4LTS (end of life) | 2.1.x |
4.0 | >=8.1 | 6.4LTS | 2.6.x |
4.1 | >=8.1 | 6.4LTS | 2.8.x |