This repository documents my journey to become a Machine Learning Engineer. It contains the list of projects undertaken, books read, courses pursued and almost everything I did in the process. So follow along or diverge to you own path, either way, I believe this will add value to any data professional / enthusiast.
- Finding Patterns in chaos - Market Basket Analysis
- Predicting the customers that are prone to leave us from those that are loyal - Customer Churn Prediction
- Using Natural language Processing to classify restaurant reviews - NLP
- Determining items that sell together using - Apriori
- Is that mushroom safe to eat? - Mushroom Classification
- How to know low-value customers from high value customers? Customer Segmentation using Unsupervised Learning
- Do you see those little sponsored ads that you see on Facebook? Can we predict if a sale will go through when a potential customer sees that ad? Apprently, yes - Predicting sale from social media ads
- A new employee is joing us, how do we decide her pay such that we ensure that there is no pay parity based on her gender? Simple, take help from an algorithm and then decide - What should we pay her?
- Optimising our ad selection strategy using Reinforcement Learning - Ads Optimisation
- Churn Modelling using Deep Learning - Artificial Neural Network
- If you were an investor, could you predict if your investment in a startup would pay off? - Predicting profits for statups
- Does Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) has predictive power in determining mortality in ICU patients? - Predicting mortality using MAP in eICU dataset
- How would you identify credit card applicants who got their applications approved by commiting fraud? - Fraud Detection using SOMs
- Have you heard of using ML for Stock Prediction? - Stock Prediction - LSTM
- Movie Recommendation System - RBM
- Movie Recommendation System using Autoencoders - Autoencoder
- Do you want to want to watch anime based on the recommendation of an ML agent? - Anime Recommendation System
- Would you like to try a workout where a machine learning algorithm would tell you are working out correctly?- Implementation of Research Paper titled "Qualitative activity recognition of weight lifting exercises"
- The "Hello World" of Deep Learning - Handwritten Digit Identification
- Did you like that movie ? - Movie Review Classification
- Predicting House Prices - Regression using ANN
- Classify newswires - Single Label multiclass classification
- Face Detection - OpenCV Face detection
- Object Detection - Real time object detection
- General Adversarial Network - DCGANs
- ML Research to identify pregnancy complications using Computer Vision - 3DHistologicalReconstruction
MIT COVID 19 DATATHON - Winners Winning Entry - Reopening of super spreader businesses and risk of COVID 19 transmission. The pre-print from the research findings of this project are available on medRxiv can be found here: Super spreader businesses and Risk of COVID-19 Transmission. The research project has been mentioned in this research article by MIT: MIT COVID19 Datathon: Data Without Boundaries THe articles featured in media from these researrch findings can be found here: Foxbusiness, Tech Times, MIT news, Yahoo Finance news, whatsnew2day, dailymail, internewscastand Science Daily. This paper has been accepted to be published in Nature Digital Medicine as at March 2021.
Hack Aotearoa - (Top 10) Github Repo - Importance of MAP in predicting mortality
They say that the process has to be more fun than the journey. So, I decided to document everything while having all that fun. Find my learning from each day when I took #100daysofmlcode challenge here:
I dedicated 100 days exploring deep learning through mini-projects, research papers, books and shared my everyday learnings with the community.
Statistical Learning
Deep Learning
I maintain a repository of research papers that I am reading during my journey and you can access those paper here for your reference: ML Research Papers
Here are the titles of some of them:
Machine Learning
- Course: Machine Learning by Stanford
- Assignments undertaken : Github Repository
- Certificate : Machine Learning - Manvi Madan
- Skills Gained: Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network, Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms, Machine Learning
Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization - Certificate
- Course: Linear Algebra
- Assignments undertaken : Github Repository
- Certificate : Mathematics for Machine Learning:Linear Algebra - Manvi Madan
- Skills Gained: Linear Algebra , Transformation Matrix, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Course: Multivariate Calculus
- Assignments undertaken : Github Repository
- Certificate : Link
- Skills Gained : Linear Regression, Vector Calculus, Multivariate Calculus, Gradiet Descent
3.Course: PCA
- Assignments undertaken : Github Repository
- Certificate : Link
- Skills Gained : Dimensionality Reduction, Python Programming, Linear Algebra
Deep Learning Specialization
- Course: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Assignments Undertaken: Neural Networks and Deep Learning assignments
- Certificate: Link
- Skills Gained: Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Shallow Neural Networks, Deep Neural Networks
NLP Specialization
- Course: Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces
- Certificate:Link
- Skills Gained: Machine Translation, Word Embeddings, Locality Sensitive Hashing, Sentiment Analysis, Vector Space Models
Algorithms [IN PROGRESS]
- Course: Algorithms, Part 1
Responsible AI [IN PROGRESS]
- An Overview of Deep Learning - Link
- Types of Neural Networks - Link
- Understanding activation function in Neural Networks - Link
- Optimizing Gradient Descent -Link
- Everything you need to know about Computer Vision - Link
- Viola Jones Algorithm for face detection - Link
- OpenCV3 Object Detection - Link
- SSD - Link
- Restricted Boltzmann Machines - Link
- RBM - Link
- RNN - Link
- Benjamin , movie wrote by AI - Link
- Explainable AI - Link
- Explainable AI, Royal Society ppt - Link