This is a Trino connector.
To run a Docker container with the connector, run the following:
docker run \
-d \
--name trino-venice \
-p 8080:8080 \
Then use your favourite SQL client to connect to Trino running at http://localhost:8080
Download one of the ZIP packages, unzip it and copy the trino-venice-0.16
directory to the plugin directory on every node in your Trino cluster.
Create a
file in your Trino catalog directory and set all the required properties.
After reloading Trino, you should be able to connect to the venice
Run all the unit test classes.
mvn test
Creates a deployable jar file
mvn clean compile package
Copy jar files in target directory to use git connector in your Trino cluster.
cp -p target/*.jar ${PLUGIN_DIRECTORY}/venice/
An example command to run the Trino server with the venice plugin and catalog enabled:
src=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
docker run \
-v $src/target/trino-venice-0.1-SNAPSHOT:/usr/lib/trino/plugin/venice \
-v $src/catalog:/usr/lib/trino/default/etc/catalog \
-p 8080:8080 \
--name trino \
-d \
Connect to that server using:
docker run -it --rm --link trino trinodb/trino:391 trino --server trino:8080 --catalog venice --schema default