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node-hp-scan-to is a Node.js application that replicates HP's "Scan to Computer" functionality by reverse engineering the original protocol, allowing you to scan documents directly from your HP printer's scanner to your Linux, Windows, or macOS computer.

Unlike the original HP program, node-hp-scan-to is cross-platform and can be ran on a bare-metal desktop or server, or in a container on Docker or Kubernetes. It can also be integrated with third-party document management solutions such as Paperless-ngx and Nextcloud.

Disclaimer: node-hp-scan-to is not endorsed by nor affiliated with HP. The reverse engineering of the original HP Windows application's interaction with the device has been done independently.


Supported Devices

This app has been developed and tested with the following HP All-in-One Printers:

  • HP DeskJet 3520
  • HP OfficeJet 6500A Plus
  • HP Smart Tank Plus 570 series
  • HP OfficeJet Pro 9019e

Users have reported it also working on:

  • HP DeskJet 3050 (J610a), 3775, 4670, 5525
  • HP Envy 4504, 4520
  • HP OfficeJet 250 Mobile, 3830, 5230, 5740, 6700 Premium, 6950, 8010 series, 8025e, 9012e
  • HP PageWide 377dw MFP

There is a good chance it also works on other unlisted HP All-in-One Printer.

Supported Functions

  • ✔️ JPG and PDF document scan output
  • ✔️ Automatic document feeder (ADF) support with dual-side scanning
  • ✔️ Multi-page platen scanning
  • ✔️ Automatic IP address discovery

App Features

  • ✔️ Multi-platform: Linux, Windows, and macOS
  • ✔️ Prebuilt Docker images (multi-architecture)
  • ✔️ Command line (CLI) support
  • ✔️ Customizable file names, resolutions, and device labels
  • ✔️ Clear all registered targets
  • ✔️ Mutiple output target support:


Using NodeJS

  • You must have NodeJS installed

  • In a Terminal, run: npm install node-hp-scan-to

Using Docker

  • You must have Docker installed

  • In a Terminal, run: docker run -d -e IP="IP_ADDRESS_OF_PRINTER" -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000

  • For more Docker options, see the Run with Docker section

  • For running with Docker Compose, see the Example for Docker Compose section


Command Line (CLI)

Running the app with NodeJS using the npx command:

npx node-hp-scan-to

Main options:

  • -a, --address <ip>: Printer IP (e.g.,
  • -d, --directory <path>: Save scans to (e.g., ~/scans)

Example usage:

npx node-hp-scan-to -a -d ~/scans

CLI Options

Run npx node-hp-scan-to --help to see the full list of options below:

Option Description Example/Default
-a, --address Printer IP address. -a (no default)
-d, --directory Directory to save scanned documents. Defaults to /tmp/scan-to-pc<random value> if not set. -d /tmp/scan-to-pc1234
-D, --debug Enable debug logging. -D (disabled by default)
-h, --height Scan height in pixels. Defaults to 3507. -h 3507
-k, --keep-files Retain scanned files after uploading to Paperless-ngx or Nextcloud (disabled by default). -k (disabled by default)
-l, --label The name of the computer running this app. Defaults to the hostname. -l <hostname> (default: system hostname)
-n, --name Printer name (quote if it contains spaces). -n "Officejet 6500 E710n-z" (no default)
-o, --paperless-token Paperless-ngx API token. -o xxxxxxxxxxxx (no default)
-p, --pattern Filename pattern (no extension). Use quotes for static text, supports date/time masks (see dateformat docs). Defaults to scan<increasing number>_page<page number>. -p scan1_page1
-r, --resolution Scan resolution in DPI. Defaults to 200. -r 200
-s, --paperless-post-document-url Paperless-ngx API URL for uploading documents. -s https://domain.tld/api/documents/post_document/ (no default)
-t, --temp-directory Temporary directory for processing. Defaults to /tmp/scan-to-pc<random value> if not set. -t /tmp/scan-to-pc5678
-w, --width Scan width in pixels. Defaults to 2481. -w 2481
--device-up-polling-interval Polling interval (in milliseconds) to check if the printer is online. --device-up-polling-interval 5000 (no default)
--nextcloud-password Nextcloud app password. Required unless --nextcloud-password-file is used. Overrides if both are provided. --nextcloud-password mypassword (no default)
--nextcloud-password-file File containing the Nextcloud app password. Required unless --nextcloud-password is used. Takes precedence if both are provided. --nextcloud-password-file /path/to/file (no default)
--nextcloud-upload-folder Nextcloud folder for uploads. Defaults to scan. --nextcloud-upload-folder scan
--nextcloud-url Nextcloud instance URL. --nextcloud-url https://domain.tld (no default)
--nextcloud-username Nextcloud username with write access to the upload folder. --nextcloud-username user (no default)


  • Date/time patterns for --pattern follow the dateformat library’s “Mask options” section.

  • Defaults like /tmp/scan-to-pc<random value> include a random suffix in practice (e.g., /tmp/scan-to-pc1234).

CLI Commands


By default, this app runs the listen command as the default mode. It will listen to the print for new job and trigger based on the selection on the device.

Run npx node-hp-scan-to listen --help to get the full list of command options.


Running npx node-hp-scan-to adf-autoscan will automatically trigger a scan job as soon as the ADF (automatic document feeder) on the printer's scanner is loaded with paper.

Run npx node-hp-scan-to adf-autoscan --help to get command line usage help.

You can also set the environment variable MAIN_COMMAND="adf-autoscan" with Docker. Example:

docker run -e MAIN_COMMAND="adf-autoscan" CMDLINE=--debug

Running npx node-hp-scan-to clear-registratons will clear all registered targets on the device (useful for trial and error and debugging).

Run npx node-hp-scan-to clear-registrations --help to get command line usage help.

You can also set the environment variable MAIN_COMMAND="clear-registrations" with Docker. Example:

docker run -e MAIN_COMMAND="clear-registrations"

Run with Docker

Public Pre-Built Docker image

Be aware that with Docker you have to specify the IP address of the printer via the IP environment variable, because the Bonjour service discovery protocol uses multicast network traffic, which by default doesn't work in Docker.

You could however use Docker's macvlan networking, this way you can use service discovery and the NAME environment variable.

All scanned files are written to the volume /scan, the filename can be changed with the PATTERN environment variable. For the correct permissions to the volume set the environment variables PUID and PGID to that of the user running the container (usually PUID=1000 and PGID=1000).

Docker Environment Variables

List of supported environment variables and their meaning, or correspondence with command-line flags:

Environment Variable Description Corresponding CLI Flag or Notes
CMDLINE Additional command-line flags added at the end of the command Set to -D to enable debug logs
DIR Directory to use -d / --directory
IP IP address for the program -a / --address
KEEP_FILES If set, scanned files are not deleted after uploading to Paperless-ngx or Nextcloud
LABEL Label to apply -l / --label
NAME Name to set -n / --name
NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD Password of Nextcloud user (either this or NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD_FILE is required; file takes precedence)
NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD_FILE File containing Nextcloud user password (either this or NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD is required; takes precedence) Example: ./nextcloud_password.secret (preferred for Docker Compose secrets)
NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_FOLDER Upload folder for documents or images (user must have write permission; defaults to scan if not set)
NEXTCLOUD_URL Nextcloud URL Example: https://nextcloud.example.tld
NEXTCLOUD_USERNAME Nextcloud username
PAPERLESS_POST_DOCUMENT_URL Paperless-ngx post document URL (if provided with token, a PDF is uploaded) Example: http://<paperless-host>:<port>/api/documents/post_document/
PAPERLESS_TOKEN Paperless-ngx API token Example: xxxxxxxxxxxx...
PATTERN Pattern to use -p / --pattern
PGID ID of the group that will run the program
PUID ID of the user that will run the program
RESOLUTION Resolution setting -r / --resolution
TEMP_DIR Temporary directory -t / --temp-directory

Additional Notes:

  • The name shown on the printer’s display is the hostname of the Docker container, which defaults to a random value. You can override it by setting the hostname or using the LABEL environment variable.

  • To enable debug logs set the environment variable CMDLINE to -D

Example for Docker

To build a local Docker image from this repo:

git clone
cd node-hp-scan-to
docker build . -t node-hp-scan-to
docker run -e IP= -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 --hostname myComputer node-hp-scan-to

Example for Docker Compose

Create the following docker-compose.yml file into this directory:

    restart: unless-stopped
    hostname: node-hp-scan-to
      # REQUIRED - Change the next line to the IP address of your HP printer/scanner:
      - IP=
      # Name that your container will appear as to your printer:
      - LABEL=node-hp-scan-to
      # Set the timezone, such as "Europe/London":
      - TZ=UTC
      # Set the created filename pattern:
      - PATTERN="scan"_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-MM-ss
      # Run the Docker container as the same user ID as the host system:
      - PGID=1000
      - PUID=1000
      # Optional - enable autoscanning a document when loaded into the scanner:
      # - MAIN_COMMAND=adf-autoscan
      # If you need to pass additional configuration flag use the CMDLINE env, thy will be appened to the
      # - CMDLINE=--debug --pdf
      # If using Paperless-ngx, you can use its API to upload files:
      # - PAPERLESS_POST_DOCUMENT_URL="http://<paperless-host>:<port>/api/documents/post_document/"
      # - PAPERLESS_TOKEN= "xxxxxxxxxxxx..."
      - ./scan:/scan

Then run docker-compose up -d

Run with Kubernetes

Apply the following manifest (the PersistentVolumeClaim must also be deployed beforehand):

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: hp-scan-to
  replicas: 1
    matchLabels: hp-scan-to
      labels: hp-scan-to
        - image: manuc66/node-hp-scan-to:master
          name: hp-scan-to
          - name: IP
          - name: PATTERN
            value: '"scan"'
          - name: PGID
            value: "1000"
          - name: PUID
            value: "1000"
          - name: LABEL
            value: scan
          - name: DIR
            value: /scans
          - name: TZ
            value: Europe/London
              memory: 256Mi
              cpu: "0"
              memory: 64Mi
            - mountPath: /scans
              name: incoming-scans
      restartPolicy: Always
        - name: incoming-scans
            claimName: incoming-scans

Build Source Code

How to build and run the project's source code:

git clone
cd node-hp-scan-to
yarn install -d
yarn build
# Start the program with the printer's IP address:
node dist/index.js -a 
# Or start it with the name of the printer:
# node dist/index.js -n "Officejet 6500 E710n-z"


I'm using Visual Studio Code to debug this application, so instead of running ts-node, just run code . and press F5 to start debugging.

You may want to set your printers ip or name in .vscode/launch.json

💖 Support this project

Thank you so much to everyone who has already supported this project! Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and it motivates me to keep improving and maintaining this project.

If this project has helped you save money or time, or simply made your life easier, you can support me by buying me a cup of coffee:

  • Support via PayPal
  • Bitcoin — You can send me bitcoins at this address: 33gxVjey6g4Beha26fSQZLFfWWndT1oY3F

Thank you for your support!

🙏 Special Thanks

A special thank you to JetBrains for supporting this project with a free license for their amazing development tools. Their support helps make this project possible.


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