** What's new - Release version 2 **
1. New fields
File upload
Input mask
Multi select
2. Added support for material icons.
3. Load initial data with input prop data
4. Added loader for next/submit actions.
5. Upload multiple files with single file control.
6. Added support for loading remote data using POST API
7. Configure field spacing.
8. Added support for adding native html props in basic form controls like text, number etc
9. Validation updates.
10. Added server side error handling support.
11. Bug fixes
Fix dynamic data loading for select control
Pass form data with onChange event
Fix columns in wizard forms
Fix next button text, latest pkg info by @manojadams in #104
Enhancement simplify validation by @manojadams in #105
12. Improved documentation
Deprecated features
Following validation parameters are now deprecated and will not be supported in future releases
Input property useNextResponse
has been removed and is no longer in use.
Following dependency properties are also deprecated
pattern_match_url_loader (new property is patternMatchUrlLoader )
prop_update (new property is propUpdate )
load_options (new property is loadOptions )
You can’t perform that action at this time.