A recommender system that enables cross-sell and upsell of products (either new products or already bought products) that will enable higher revenue generation. The data captures material that is sent to the wholesalers over a span of time.
Link for the presentation - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o8j2kPF_6vMz_LpxZn8uiZ_DAk83tkgU/view?usp=sharing
Here is a video of the working of the platform. Click on it to get directed to the Google Drive link:
- Finding how similar other wholesalers are to W1.
- Finding wholesalers who buy similar products.
- Finding wholesalers who buy similar products.
- Application of a feedback mechanism so that sales team can easily implement their knowledge of incompatible products/customer.
- To find which products are popular.
- To recommend the product which will enable higher revenue generation.
The dataset has been provided by AB InBev as a part of their hackathon Maverick 2.0: Hack-a-thon where the participants in the Cross-Sell Up-Sell track were to build a Recommender System based on the data given Consumers/Wholesalers and their history of purchase.
- Before starting the installation process, please ensure that you have conda/virtualenv installed.
- Open terminal and clone the reposotory:
git clone https://github.com/milonimittal/Cross_Sell-Up_Sell.git
- Change into project directory:
cd Cross_Sell-Up_Sell
- Create python environment:
conda create --name recsys python=3.8.5
- Activate environment:
conda activate recsys
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Running the code:
python main_flask.py
Feel free to contribute features / point out errors. Fork this repository and make a pull request.