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Mettle - MVC Framework for HTML5 Web Application

Controller, Service, View

#mettle-boilerplate ✔ HTML5  ✔ Standards-compliant  ✔ Localisation  ✔ Integrated Build  ✔ Model-View-Controller  ✔ Modular  ✔ E2E Testing  ✔ Unit Testing  ✔ Clean Code  ✔ JSLint, W3C 

Examples: Controller, Service, View, Unit test, E2E test

##Directory layout

  jar/              --> ant dependencies
  build.xml         --> ant build file
src/                --> all of the files to be used in production
  lib/              --> all library resource js, css, templates, vendor libs, etc.
    css/            --> css files
      module.css    --> default stylesheet
    img/            --> image files
      app/          --> app specific code
        i18n/       --> localised string resource
        modules/    --> all module code
        appCache.js --> for handling HTML5 app cache
        main.js     --> main file where execution begins
        config.js   --> holds the namespace for the project and other global configs
        serviceURLs --> holds list of all urls required by modules
    templates/      --> holds all templates, default handlebars
    index.html      --> app SPA file (the main html file of the app)
  e2e/              --> e2e tests, uses node, mocha, selenium-webdriverjs
    tests/          --> contains all tests file
    config.js       --> configuration file for e2e tests
    e2e.js          --> main runner file, starts a server, runs the test "node e2e"
  mockServices/     --> holds mock services for various module
  unit/             --> standalone unit tests, using mocha
    config.js       --> config file for test
    suite.js        --> list of all test files to execute
    tests/          --> all unit tests
  unit-karma/       --> karma unit tests, includes test coverage
    karma.conf.js   --> karma config
      tests/        --> all tests
package.json        --> use "npm install" to download and install all dev dependencies


###Dependency NodeJS, ANT

###Install: cd npm install

###Build: (generates output in out folder) cd /build ant

###Running e2e tests: cd /test/e2e node e2e Ensure config.js points to correct baseURL, serverPort and resourceFolder

###Running unit tests: cd /test/unit karma start karma.conf.js WebStorm IDE: Instead of commandline, right click on karma.conf.js and click Run

###Teamcity Integration Set env variable in teamcity: e.g. MacOS X- env.PATH, env.PHANTOMJS_BIN

####UNIT Tests karma start karma.conf.js --single-run --reporters teamcity,coverage Create a new build with above command line

####E2E Tests node e2e Create a new build with above command line


Copyright 2014 Manish Shanker

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Mettle - MVC Framework for HTML5 Web Application






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