Genome scaffolding is a classical challenging problem in bioinformatics. It refers to joining assembly contigs into chains (called scaffolds). The join between two contigs A and B is considered correct if:
- Their relative orientation is correct
- Their relative order is correct
- The gap estimate is similar to the true distance on the reference
The problem of scaffolding validation is also a challenging one. One of the main issues which hinders from an adequate scaffolding evaluation are genome repeats. The previous standard for evaluation (Hunt et al., Genome Biology, 2014) did not take into account repeats. In this evaluation framework, repeats are taken into account.
The new evaluation framework considers the optimal assignment of contigs in the output scaffolding to contigs in the reference scaffolding in the sense of the number of correct links.
Our framework is written in Python programming language. By default, Python is available on any Linux platform. The optimal assignment of Inferred Scaffolding to Reference Scafolding is performed by using IBM CPLEX optimizer.
We use the following scripts/libraries:
- Biopython library
- Python API of CPLEX
- MUMmer (rapid alignment of very large DNA and amino acid sequences)
To install Biopython, type the following commands in your prompt:
pip install numpy
pip install biopython
IBM CPLEX optimizer is a very powerful tool used for solving a wide range of optimization problems (Linear Programming, etc). A free CPLEX academic license can be obtained here. As per CPLEX documentation:
To install the CPLEX-Python modules on your system, use the script located in yourCplexhome/python/PLATFORM. If you want to install the CPLEX-Python modules in a nondefault location, use the option --home to identify the installation directory. For example, to install the CPLEX-Python modules in the default location, use the following command from the command line:
python install
To install in the directory yourPythonPackageshome/cplex, use the following command from the command line:
python install --home yourPythonPackageshome/cplex
Both of those commands (default and home-specified) invoke the Python package distutils. For other options available with that package, consult the documentation of Python distutils.
The current MUMmer release can be downloaded from SourceForge. To install MUMmer, type the following commands:
tar -xvzf MUMmer3.0.tar.gz
make check
make install
Our framework uses nucmer, delta-filter, and show-coords scripts from MUMmer package.
Our framework takes as input the following:
- Reference genome fasta file
- Assembly contigs i.e., contigs obtained by running an assembly program. For example:
- Velvet
- SOAPdenovo2
- Scaffolding output fasta file i.e. scaffolds obtained by running a scaffolding tool. For example:
- ScaffMatch
We first have to prepare Reference Scaffolding dataset which is based on real assembly contigs. Correction of misassemblies has to be done and the output scaffolding is written to the ref_scaf file in the $output directory:
python --reference $reference --contigs $assembly_contigs --prefix "$outdir/$ref_scaf"
ref_scaf.scaf is a file of .scaf format similar to one used by OPERA tool.
Run your tool of choice with the contigs from the file "$outdir/$ref_scaf" and get the scaffolds (let's call it $scaffolds file). Now, having the output scaffolding, we have to create the out_scaf .scaf file which corresponds to the Inferred Scaffolding. In our framework, we align the assembly contigs to the output scaffolding using nucmer. Run the following command to get the out_scaf file:
python --scafolds $scaffolds --contigs "$outdir/ref_scaf.fa" --outscaf "$outdir/out_scaf"
Finally, to evaluate a scaffolding tool we have to find the assignment of the Inferred Scaffolding contigs to the Reference Scaffolding contigs. The following command peforms the optimal assignment i.e the assignment which keeps the maximum number of contig links:
python --outscaf "$outdir/out_scaf" --refscaf "$outdir/ref_scaf"
The output is the number of correct contig links and other measures - sensitivity and PPV (positive predictive value).
- In order to get more help for the script, execute the command:
python -h
You should see the following output:
usage: [-h] --outscaf OUTSCAF --refscaf REFSCAF
Repeat-aware evaluation framework of Igor Mandric
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outscaf OUTSCAF output scaffolding
--refscaf REFSCAF reference scaffolding
links for which estimated gap differs from the true
value by more than DISTANCE_THRESHOLD bp are
considered wrong (default 1000 bp)
--noskip NOSKIP if the argument is present than do not consider links
skipping contigs as wrong if the contigs are at most
NOSKIP bp apart on the reference, otherwise links
skipping contigs are wrong
In order to get more information on the framework, do not hesitate to contact Igor Mandric (Georgia State University) or visit the website link.