Simple Todos starter app using Meteor framework. Extends simple-todos tutorial to use Semantic UI.
At OpenStart we are really liking what Meteor 1.0 has to offer, specifically for rapid prototyping full-stack mobile-web, reactive apps, or minimum viable products (MVP).
Meteor also makes it relatively easy to add your UI library of choice when building a nice looking frontend.
Meteor team has already done a great job of making their sample apps look really cool visually. We wanted to extend that coolness with more comprehensive UI frameworks.
Semantic UI is a refreshing alternative to Twitter's popular Bootstrap framework. The UI is more modern, and the class naming cleaner.
This project extends Meteor's simple-todos app that results from their official tutorial.
Objective is to retain simple Single Page App boilerplate with three files (css, html, js), while showcasing key features of SemanticUI and Meteor, that make sense together.
Semantic UI |
Install meteor framework. All commands use terminal.
curl | sh
Fork this repository.
Add Semantic UI package.
meteor add nooitaf:semantic-ui
Add accounts-ui package for authentication.
meteor add accounts-ui accounts-password
Make app secure.
meteor remove insecure
Add publish-subscribe.
meteor remove autopublish
Add HighCharts package
meteor add maazalik:highcharts
- Session variables. Calculating private task count seems to behave erratically. Chart does not display total task count on hosted version, does so on local.
- Reusable chart code. Chart configuration method has hard-coding. Can it be parametrized to instantiate multiple charts using single method call?
- Responsive grid. Semantic UI grid seems to respond to screen size by scaling horizontally. Does not automatically occupy next row, when screen size is smaller. This seems to be addressed in v1.0 branch of Semantic UI.
- Semantic UI Forms, Dividers, Labels, Buttons, Segments, Modal.
- HighCharts to show a simple reactive dashboard for task completion.
It will be nice to add following features as long as we are not complicating the starter app.
- Web usage analytics
- Star ratings / voting for tasks
- Pagination
- Search