Noah Kraus 11/03/2020
The R package EMAeval contains functions created to help researchers identify careless responses as well as responders ine EMA data. An example dataset is included in the package to help the user better understand the uses of each function. This dataset “EMAeval_Data” is used in the example code below.
There are 4 “participants,” each having 50 assessments. Each was asked 8 questions per assessment.
EMAeval_Data Example
ID |
StartDate |
EndDate |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q5 |
Q6 |
Q7 |
Q8 |
1 |
1001 |
2020-01-02 10:01:23 |
2020-01-02 10:02:07 |
61 |
9 |
46 |
39 |
5 |
64 |
74 |
32 |
56 |
1002 |
2020-01-07 10:01:16 |
2020-01-07 10:01:24 |
45 |
50 |
49 |
48 |
54 |
55 |
48 |
52 |
111 |
1003 |
2020-01-12 10:00:46 |
2020-01-12 10:12:08 |
72 |
99 |
25 |
68 |
23 |
42 |
21 |
25 |
172 |
1004 |
2020-01-23 09:58:22 |
2020-01-23 09:58:38 |
15 |
5 |
12 |
30 |
73 |
83 |
36 |
6 |
Below are the functions in the R package EMAeval. The functions are:
- flagging_df
- flagging_plots
- TPI_cutoff
- SD_cutoff
- Perc_Mode_cutoff
- Combined_cutoff
- Combined_cutoff_percent
Each section will be dedicated to a particular function, giving an example of the usage with the EMAeval_Data and showing the output.
*This function creates a dataframe that reports Time to Complete (TTC), Time per Item (TPI), Item Standard Deviation (SD), and Longstring. If the Longstring returns NA, then there was no longstring response because all item responses were different. The partial results of the flagging_df function are based from the EMAeval_Data Example above. *
flaggingDF <- flagging_df(EMAeval_Data,
ttc.colnames = c("StartDate", "EndDate"),
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]))
Flagging Dataframe Example
SD |
Longstring |
1 |
44 |
5.50 |
25.21 |
NA |
56 |
8 |
1.00 |
3.36 |
48 |
111 |
682 |
85.25 |
29.31 |
25 |
172 |
16 |
2.00 |
30.22 |
NA |
This function creates a histograms of each of the calculations reported in the flagging_df function. This can be used to help users identify the cutoff values for TPI and SD.
ttc.colnames = c("StartDate", "EndDate"),
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
number.items = 8)
Note: the Longstring histogram has a much smaller scale for the Count. This is due to the lack of longstring values because many assessments do not have a Longstring value because all item responses differ.
This function creates a dataframe of ID and data indices in which the assessment met the cutoff criterion for Time per Item. The user inputs their own cutoff for TPI. The user can also specify what type of comparison they would like to complete with the cutoff value using condition =… If responses to all items are mandatory, then the following response should be included:
mandatory.response = TRUE
Below is the code for the function.
cutoff = 1,
condition = "<=",
ttc.colnames = c("StartDate", "EndDate"),
number.items = 8,
mandatory.response = TRUE,
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
ID.colname = "ID")
Assessments Flagged by TPI Cutoff
ID |
Index_of_Flagged_Assessment |
1002 |
51 |
1002 |
52 |
1002 |
53 |
1002 |
54 |
1002 |
55 |
1002 |
56 |
1002 |
57 |
1002 |
58 |
1002 |
62 |
1002 |
63 |
1002 |
65 |
1002 |
67 |
1002 |
68 |
1002 |
69 |
1002 |
70 |
1002 |
71 |
1002 |
72 |
1002 |
75 |
1002 |
76 |
1002 |
78 |
1002 |
79 |
1002 |
80 |
1002 |
81 |
1002 |
82 |
1002 |
83 |
1002 |
87 |
1002 |
90 |
1002 |
91 |
1002 |
92 |
1002 |
93 |
1002 |
96 |
1002 |
97 |
1002 |
98 |
1002 |
99 |
1003 |
116 |
This function creates a dataframe of ID and data indices in which the assessment met the cutoff criterion for Item Score Standard Deviation. The user inputs their own cutoff for SD. The user can also specify what type of comparison they would like to complete with the cutoff value using condition =…
Below is the code for the function.
cutoff = 5,
condition = "<=",
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
ID.colname = "ID")
Assessments Flagged by SD Cutoff
ID |
Index_of_Flagged_Assessment |
1002 |
51 |
1002 |
52 |
1002 |
53 |
1002 |
54 |
1002 |
55 |
1002 |
56 |
1002 |
57 |
1002 |
58 |
1002 |
59 |
1002 |
60 |
1002 |
61 |
1002 |
62 |
1002 |
63 |
1002 |
64 |
1002 |
65 |
1002 |
66 |
1002 |
67 |
1002 |
68 |
1002 |
69 |
1002 |
70 |
1002 |
71 |
1002 |
72 |
1002 |
73 |
1002 |
74 |
1002 |
75 |
1002 |
76 |
1002 |
77 |
1002 |
78 |
1002 |
79 |
1002 |
80 |
1002 |
81 |
1002 |
82 |
1002 |
83 |
1002 |
84 |
1002 |
85 |
1002 |
86 |
1002 |
87 |
1002 |
88 |
1002 |
89 |
1002 |
90 |
1002 |
91 |
1002 |
92 |
1002 |
93 |
1002 |
94 |
1002 |
95 |
1003 |
142 |
This function creates a dataframe of ID and data indices in which the assessment met the cutoff criterion for the Percent of Items at Mode. The user inputs their own cutoff for Percent of Items at Mode. The user can also specify what type of comparison they would like to complete with the cutoff value using condition =…
Below is the code for the function.
cutoff = 0.7,
condition = ">=",
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
ID.colname = "ID")
Assessments Flagged by PErcent of Items at Mode Cutoff
ID |
Index_of_Flagged_Assessment |
1002 |
100 |
1003 |
138 |
1003 |
140 |
1003 |
142 |
1003 |
150 |
This function creates a dataframe of ID and data indices in which the assessment met the cutoff criteria for Time per Item OR Item Score Standard Deviation OR Percent of Items at Mode. The user inputs their own cutoff for TPI, SD and Percent of Items at Mode. The user can also specify what type of comparison they would like to complete with each cutoff value using either SD.condition =… and TPI.condition=… and Perc.Mode.condition=… Users can also specify the logical component for the criteria, specifying with Combined.logic = … If responses to all items are mandatory, then the following response should be included:
mandatory.response = TRUE
Below is the code for the function.
SD.cutoff = 5, SD.condition = "<=",
TPI.cutoff = 1, TPI.condition = "<=",
Perc.Mode.cutoff = 0.7, Perc.Mode.condition = ">=",
Combined.logic = "or",
ttc.colnames = c("StartDate", "EndDate"),
number.items = 8, mandatory.response = TRUE,
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
ID.colname = "ID")
Assessments Flagged by TPI, SD or Percent of Items at Mode Cutoffs
ID |
Index_of_Flagged_Assessment |
1002 |
51 |
1002 |
52 |
1002 |
53 |
1002 |
54 |
1002 |
55 |
1002 |
56 |
1002 |
57 |
1002 |
58 |
1002 |
59 |
1002 |
60 |
1002 |
61 |
1002 |
62 |
1002 |
63 |
1002 |
64 |
1002 |
65 |
1002 |
66 |
1002 |
67 |
1002 |
68 |
1002 |
69 |
1002 |
70 |
1002 |
71 |
1002 |
72 |
1002 |
73 |
1002 |
74 |
1002 |
75 |
1002 |
76 |
1002 |
77 |
1002 |
78 |
1002 |
79 |
1002 |
80 |
1002 |
81 |
1002 |
82 |
1002 |
83 |
1002 |
84 |
1002 |
85 |
1002 |
86 |
1002 |
87 |
1002 |
88 |
1002 |
89 |
1002 |
90 |
1002 |
91 |
1002 |
92 |
1002 |
93 |
1002 |
94 |
1002 |
95 |
1002 |
96 |
1002 |
97 |
1002 |
98 |
1002 |
99 |
1003 |
116 |
1003 |
142 |
This function creates a dataframe of ID and percent of responses in which assessments met the cutoff criteria for Time per Item OR Item Score Standard Deviation OR Percent of Items at Mode. The user inputs their own cutoff for TPI, SD and Percent of Items at Mode. The user can also specify what type of comparison they would like to complete with each cutoff value using either SD.condition =… and TPI.condition=… and Perc.Mode.condition=… Users can also specify the logical component for the criteria, specifying with Combined.logic = … If responses to all items are mandatory, then the following response should be included:
mandatory.response = TRUE
Below is the code for the function.
SD.cutoff = 5, SD.condition = "<=",
TPI.cutoff = 1, TPI.condition = "<=",
Perc.Mode.cutoff = 0.7, Perc.Mode.condition = ">=",
Combined.logic = "or",
ttc.colnames = c("StartDate", "EndDate"),
number.items = 8, mandatory.response = TRUE,
item.colnames = colnames(EMAeval_Data[,4:11]),
ID.colname = "ID")
Percentage of Assessments Flagged by TPI, SD or Percent of Items at Mode Cutoffs
ID |
Percent_Flagged |
1002 |
100 |
1003 |
10 |