This project is an BeCode Bouman group challange for 5 days (Deadline:08/12/2020).
The project was done by Davy Nimbona (team leader), Manasa Devinoolu, Christophe Schellinck and Selma Esen.
In that project we have created a prediction model to predict new selling prices for the new properties according to our dataset. The real estate data has been scrapped, celeaned and analized in our previous projects. The goal of this project is creating an API to get an new property input and return a price as output. The API Wrapped by a Docker file and deployed by Heroku.
"area": int,
"property-type": "APARTMENT" | "HOUSE" | "OTHERS",
"rooms-number": int,
"zip-code": int,
"garden": Optional[bool],
"equipped-kitchen": Optional[bool],
"furnished": Opional[bool],
"terrace": Optional[bool],
"facades-number": Optional[int]
Area, property-type, rooms-number and zip-code are required(mandatory) in order to run the application
"prediction": [float],
In case we have the right data
"error": Optional[str]
In case we have wrong or missing data
├── ...
├── docker
│ ├── Dockerfile
├── pipeline
│ ├── model
│ ├──
│ ├── model.pkl
│ ├── ready_to_model_df.csv
│ ├── predict
│ ├──
│ ├── preprocessing
│ ├──
│ │── test-dataframe.csv
├── Procfile
├── requirements.txt
The file makes use of Linear regression and dumps the regressor into a pickle file.
The file imports and loads the pickle file with data for the prediction and executes the prediction being a price for given inputs.
The file deals with cleaning and preprocessing. Processing the data ready to feed the model and make predictions. Also dealing with error messages if the user provides incorrect input.
You can access the application on this Link.
- Home: "/"
- Predict page: "/predict":
- GET: Returns the data format you need to input
- POST: Returns the predicted price or error message in case of error
To run it on your local machine:
- Clone the project
- Install the requirements for this project by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Then run file:
- Test it using Postman
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . -t image_name:tag_name
docker run -it image_name:tag_name
You can find the link here
access welcome page by /welcome.
access price prediction page by /predict (Use Postman)