In this Project we will build a Platform called Fintech-Finder which is an application that is customers can use to find Fintech Professionals from among list of Candidates , hire them, and pay them. By integreting the Ethereum network blockchain into the application in order to enable the Customers to instanly pay the fintech professionals whome they hire with cryptocurrency.
- Fintech_finder
- crypto_wallet
- Images
In this section, we will import several functions from the script into the file, which contains code for Fintech Finder’s customer interface,in order to add wallet operations to the application.
we'll write the code that will calculate a fintech professional’s wage, in ether, based on the worker’s hourly rate and the number of hours that they work for a customer
we will send a test transaction by using the application’s web interface, and then look up the resulting transaction in Ganache