Eatr is an application that allows allows the user to search recipes from an API or create unique recipes on their own and keep track a list of all of their recipes.
##Technologies Used
- AngularJS
- Firebase
- Github
- Yummly API
You will need the following installed:
- Node
- Put this CDN in the head of document:
<script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/js/client/2.4.2/firebase.js"></script>
- Run a local server by typing this in your terminal:
$ npm install -g serve
$ serve
- In your terminal, type:
$ npm install firebase --save
##Challenges Stack Overflow Questions
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35709940/issue-with-angular-services-with-broadcast-and-on
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35711048/issue-with-grabbing-a-flexible-id-from-get-request-and-pass-data-to-controller-i The challenge has been addressed by pushing the recipe id into the recipe object in api.js. A for loop then iterates over all the responses from the api. There is a click event that then grabs the specific id from the for loop and the "deets" div shows the details of a recipe once the recipe has been clicked.
##User Stories
- As a user, I can add recipes to a list.
- As a user, I can edit recipes in my list.
- As a user, I can delete recipes in my list.
- As a user, I can update recipes in my list.
- As a user, I can search recipes.
- As a user, I can see details about a specific recipe.