Technologies Used: I used a Ruby on Rails, HTML and CSS application. I hand rolled my user authentication html and css. I then deployed online using Heroku.
Approach Taken: I first thought of the idea of an application where a user can learn a new command a day because I have been doing that every day but often have to have a command in mind before searching but because I am still learning, I don't know what to look for. My app would solve that problem by allowing a user to learn a command by different categories such as beginner, terminal or atom.
I first created my two models: User and Post and created a ERD to show their relationship. I then focused on CRUD fuctionality and RESTful routes. I hand rolled my user authentication. I was very happy with the progress I had made and that I reached my Bronze User Stores by Tuesday. I then challenged myself to complete my Silver User Stories. I wanted to include categories and decided that I would use a join table to pull the data of a post id and a category id to display in the categories index. I realised that I could have nested categories and posts routes first not have run into so many problems with the join table conventions but I wanted to get my MVP first and then challenge myself to other features. I liked the join table better in the end because it allowed posts to fall under many categories.
I finished with the join table on Thursday afternoon and spend the rest of the time on my app's layout. I had fully completed my Silver User Stories. I looked for clean layouts online and pulled from different ideas to create my css. I wanted to include a gem slider on my index page because it was the first story in my Gold User Stories. I time boxed this to an hour and was unable to install correctly in that time. I had to leave the idea and I then switched to my master branch and focused on a clean website.
I was very happy with the completing my MVP and my Silver Level and look forward to adding features in the future.
Installantion Instructions: I first installed ruby on rails inside of my git repository. I then hand rolled my user authentication, html and css. I tested often in my local server. I then deployed online using Heroku.
Unsolved Problems: I would like to install a slider to my application so that user's can learn commands without having to click on a category. I would also like for people to interact with the index and then sign up if they wanted to add a command instead of signing up first.